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I continue the series of articles about codependent relationships. I have already written about the Signs of a codependent relationship and the Reasons for getting into a codependent relationship. In this article I will reveal the most important question of concern: how to get out of a codependent relationship? How realistic is it to get out of such a relationship and is it possible to build a healthy relationship after that? Codependent relationships are one of the most severe forms of addiction, because they are built on a basic need - to be loved and needed, without which it is very difficult for a person to “survive”. Due to the lack of this feeling within himself, the addict needs a partner to compensate for the lack of love, which results in a painful attachment to him. Therefore, it looks more like “sick” love. It is especially difficult to give up this because the codependent person does not understand how he can get this feeling in another way. Read more about this in this article Reasons for getting into a codependent relationship. So, let's step by step, what to do to get out of a codependent relationship? 1. Recognize that you are in a codependent relationship. To do this, read my article Signs of a codependent relationship2. Ask yourself: what benefits do I have from this relationship, why is it beneficial for me to remain in a codependent relationship? Possible secondary benefits may be: - good from the feeling of being needed - reluctance to feel yourself - reluctance to resolve internal conflict - the opportunity to be significant and important - to feel loved (a distorted concept of love from childhood)3. Ask yourself the following question: Do I want to continue to stay in this relationship?4. Start listening to yourself: What do I really want? 5. Working with emotions. Understand how I really feel about my partner? Most often, codependents convince themselves that they are doing well in the relationship. To do this, I propose a very simple way to check this. Below is a table of emotions, write down the emotions that you most often experience towards your partner. Which column will it be from? Sadness, fear, anger, joy or love? 6. Work with identity (cultivating your Self, searching for yourself, your meanings). At this stage it is no longer possible to do without a specialist.7. Working with needs (rescuer syndrome, victim, aggressor). I will write a separate article about this. In the next article I will cover the topic of mature love, what needs in love are considered mature. How do you like the stages? Anyone who managed to get out of a codependent relationship, please share your experience. If you feel that you can’t cope on your own, come for a consultation, I will be happy to help you. Sign up WA +79180369412 or private message here
