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At the dawn of psychology as a separate, independent discipline (the end of the 19th century, the first half of the 20th century), one of the central ideas was to find at least indirect mechanisms for measuring mental phenomena; for this purpose, the format of various tests was invented . The idea of ​​measurement is clear and justified, since psychology, as an object and subject, has something that cannot be seen or touched. With the help of tests, they measured virtually everything that was possible, in particular, Intelligence, which will be discussed. It is common to hear this word and use it, but with Intelligence, not everything is as simple as it may seem. Initially, Intelligence was considered only as a human ability rationally, that is, to think rationally, finding a way out (solution) from complex or simply new situations. The main hypothesis of this approach is that the higher the level of intelligence, the higher the ability to think rationally and find a way out of difficult situations. The well-known tests for measuring the level of intelligence of Wechsler, Eysenck or Cattell come to mind. It is not so important how exactly or into what components they divided Intelligence, what is important is the fundamental approach that Intelligence is precisely the ability to think rationally, that is, the ability to analyze, this became the basis of what is known as IQ. However, over time, psychologists became it is clear that besides this very IQ there is something else in a person that allows him to develop, solve problems, and engage in creativity. The result of this understanding was the identification of two more types of Intelligence: Emotional (EQ) and Cognitive (or “Curious”) (CQ). So what is the difficulty and what are the pitfalls? The main trap lies in the very basis, already at the conceptual level, which means that the entire course of reasoning and conclusions are also the result of this trap. So the trap is that there is an initial fundamental division of Intelligence into “rational”, “emotional” and “cognitive”. I believe that this is not only a trap, but also a mistake, the same mistake as thinking that Intelligence is only the ability for rational logical analysis. Approaches that divide the whole or simplify what they cannot understand cause harm, both at the level of cognition and at the level of each individual person. My understanding is based on the fact that Intelligence is one and indivisible. It has an internal mechanism of action, which will be revealed below. It is this mechanism that explains the fundamental unity and indivisibility of the Intellect. Let me remind you that the general form of reasoning is based on the principle of the impossibility of understanding the physics of processes without understanding the metaphysics of the phenomena behind the processes. Speaking about Consciousness, it was noted that it is a technology consisting of an energy basis and a certain "programming". Continuing this thought, Intelligence is an internal program (by analogy with computer programs) of Consciousness. This program allows you to connect and access various functions of Consciousness. The better a person knows how to use this program, the more abilities and functions of Consciousness he can master and use. How does the internal mechanism of Intelligence work? It is based on emotional and sensory activity. Emotional-sensual activity is a level of Consciousness that opens access to interaction with energy, making it possible to perceive and “hear” this energy in its purest form. It is feelings and emotions that underlie the connection with energy, through it people are connected and can communicate and interact with the entire living World, far beyond the boundaries of just the planet. All information and all knowledge that was, is and will be already exists and is in "Unified Energy Field" of the Universe. By developing the ability to feel subtly, a person acquires the skill of voluntarily connecting to this “Field” and the information in it through the energy level. What happens next? After a person gains access to information through emotional and sensory activity, he must somehow transform this information, make.
