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From the author: In the presence of emotional-figurative blocks in a person, at the first stage, a fatigue syndrome is formed, which characterizes the appearance of neuroses in which the patient complains of general fatigue and shortness of breath accompanying any effort, but there are no somatic signs confirming that he suffers from cardiopulmonary diseases. In medicine, this is “D'Acosta Syndrome”, when patients complain of paroxysmal cardiac arrest and fear of death, a feeling of squeezing or squeezing behind the sternum, lack of air, increased blood pressure, sweating, nausea, a feeling of helplessness, trembling throughout the body, severe anxiety, weakness, although there are no objective changes in the heart and lungs themselves. The psychological impasse into which a person with d'Acosta syndrome finds itself forces him to turn to the last resort - to a doctor who knows how to restore the emotional background. The methods of the MYROTOK program allow for complex emotional and energetic correction with picturesque paintings of VISUAL RHYTHMOLOGY. The combination of Western and Eastern approaches to improving the natural processes of personality development allows a person to achieve mastery of creative energy to achieve set goals and objectives. Integration of this energy in an open system of philosophical and psychological archaism and cybernetic quantum mechanics to synchronize imaginative processes in the hemispheres of the brain makes it possible for human consciousness to direct and balance the energy of the mind. The body and emotional sphere of a person are ready to get rid of chronic physical stress and emotional-imaginative blocks that have accumulated over the years and prevented the free flow of energy and the manifestation of the creative potential of the individual. The MIROTOK program allows you to restore natural feelings, harmony and balance of internal and external processes in the human body. Emotional-imaginative processes are associated with bodily-biological data and the psychosomatic potential of the individual, which are translated beyond the physiological sphere into the modes of the intellectual information space for understanding the world and human functioning. With the help of the MIROTOK program, all modalities of information processing and representative systems are balanced to form a stable lifestyle with adequate perception, memory and thinking of real events. The optimal state of a person’s life rhythm is most effective for creative growth and maintaining stable health and longevity. Special techniques for managing conscious and unconscious processes, including collective and transpersonal levels of existence of the human personality, make it possible to prevent the formation of emotional-imaginative blocks and develop the emotional energy background of the human space-time system. When this system is disrupted in a person with emotional-figurative blocks, at the first stage a fatigue syndrome is formed, which characterizes the appearance of neuroses in which the patient complains of general fatigue and shortness of breath accompanying any effort, but there are no somatic signs confirming that he suffers from cardiopulmonary problems. diseases. In medicine, this is the term: “D'Acosta syndrome.” Patients complain of paroxysmal cardiac arrest and fear of death, a feeling of squeezing or squeezing behind the sternum, lack of air, increased blood pressure, sweating, nausea, a feeling of helplessness, trembling throughout the body, severe anxiety, weakness, although there are no objective changes in the heart and lungs themselves No. The main symptom is a decrease in the emotional background and energetic psychosomatic exhaustion, which forces the patient to involuntarily constantly listen to his heart and lungs, and in case of the slightest manifestation of discomfort, immediatelycall an ambulance because he believes he has severe cardiopulmonary disease. Neurotic cardiopulmonary diseases occur predominantly at the age of 25-40 years, more often in women, although in recent decades there has been a significant increase in this disorder in men. The emotional vulnerability of these people leads to conflict situations and gradual personality degradation. Panic fear causes contraction of the body muscles, difficulty breathing, a frantic heart rate, and the release of the fear hormone - adrenaline, which constricts peripheral blood vessels and increases blood pressure. Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system further reinforce fear, and the compression phenomenon intensifies, thus closing a vicious circle and causing a new attack. The constant expectation of an attack reinforces emotional stress, the body contracts and attacks occur again, forming a strong image of a cardiopulmonary disease. The psychological impasse that a person with d'Acosta syndrome finds himself in forces him to turn to the last resort - to a doctor who knows recovery techniques emotional background. The methods of the MYROTOK THERAPY program allow for complex emotional and energetic correction with picturesque paintings of VISUAL RHYTHMOLOGY. After several sessions of MYROTOCTHERAPY, a skeptical attitude towards the method is replaced by a mood for the possibility of solving your problem using natural methods. Restoring a person’s mental and emotional well-being will eliminate the symptoms of psychological problems and psychosocial conflicts. And therefore, body-oriented psychotherapy according to the MIROTOK program for functional disorders of the cardiovascular system is optimal for eliminating the cause of the disease. The myrotokterapist will help you see the problem of cardiopulmonary neurosis from a different angle and find an individual mechanism of emotional and psychological defense. And it will teach the patient to independently maintain a stable state of health of his body. Recommended painting from VISUAL RHYTHMOLOGY: “THE FISHERMAN’S HOUSE” The painting “The Fisherman’s House”, like other paintings from the Health Gallery under the MIROTOK program, is aimed at restoring optimal functioning of the spine, in combination with physical and breathing exercises . The figurative visual representation of the painting “The Fisherman’s House” harmonizes the cervicothoracic region, eliminating functional blocks and restoring the function of all parts of the spine. As a result of medical practice, I noticed that there is a connection between lifestyle or energetic obstruction of the spinal column and the degree of manifestation of spirituality by a person, his realization spiritual qualities. Thus, with maximum patency of the cervicothoracic spine, a person is “cordial” and often “generous”; blocks in this department, as a rule, cause “soullessness.” The purpose of the picture is to give the viewer the opportunity to breathe freely, deeply, which will restore the optimal functioning of the vital organs of the body. The effect of visual figurative perception of the living sea, which is not stormy, and is not frozen in the calm, gives a feeling of stable tone throughout the body. It’s nice to feel the boundless freedom of the sea, while at the same time perceiving the elements of the sea and sky, which meet on the horizon. Rhythmic sea waves go from right to left, and the Egyptians also noticed that energy enters a person in a spiral, from right to left. Let’s look at the color scheme of this picture. Studies have shown that when there is a malfunction in the cervicothoracic spine, a person tends to the blue color, if in the thoracic region, to blue, and in the lower thoracic region, to green. On the canvas you see numerous shades of these colors, giving the picture vibrancy - after all, in real life there is almost no such thing as pure color. Both brown and yellow colors are present here, but the most important here are the proportions of color and its vibration. The space of sky and sea, that is, air and sea freedom, in the picture is approximately
