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Holidays often highlight for us what is difficult and hurtful in our lives, to which in ordinary everyday life we ​​close our eyes and do not pay attention... The eve of the holidays and the holiday itself can remind a person of unwanted loneliness, about financial difficulties, about lack of attention... How not to get hurt by something unfulfilled on a holiday? I suggest approaching this from a psychological perspective. In the case of the absence of a gift for a holiday, it is reasonable to ask yourself the following questions: What does this mean to me? There is no gift and that means WHAT is wrong with me or in my life?.. From whom exactly would I like to receive a gift and did not receive it? Does that person know about this? (The answer: “It’s obvious” is toxic for yourself. Since everyone’s obviousness is different.) Are there people in my circle from whom I would be happy to receive gifts? Have I given them anything on past holidays? Do I remember the rule: “How you celebrate February 23rd is how you will spend March 8th?”)) If the answers to the previous four questions are “yes”, but there are no gifts, then... that’s not bad either! After all, this is an excellent reason to think about how I communicate with people, how I convey my needs to them, how I take into account their desires and needs... And also about changing my environment altogether. And there is no need to despair here - this is not a crisis! This is an interesting and creative stage in life! With the help of a competent psychologist, you can draw up a portrait of your environment, think about what we expect from those around us and what we can give. Still, I recommend paying special attention to the first question. And develop this question further: What feeling I have to experience and what to think if there is a gift? What does the absence of a gift give me? At the session we discussed such a case with the girls. Olya is now without a boyfriend, she works in a women's team. On March 8, she did not receive any special gifts from men, except for virtual ones with bouquets from not very close acquaintances. As a result, having answered such questions, she realized that she felt like a “subwoman,” as she put it. She realized that she would like to be happy from the gift of a man who was favorable to her, to feel that she was attractive and interesting to one of the men. The question arises: who is a “woman” in Olya’s understanding? And can only a man in love with her confirm the fact of a woman’s attractiveness? Who else? What does Olya herself think about her attractiveness? Having thought about these questions, Olya unexpectedly came to the conclusion that she persistently seeks confirmation of her feminine attractiveness in the eyes of men, she needs a lot of such confirmation and often, because her close relationships with a man mainly consist only from the period of falling in love. Before the holidays, such relationships often end, and then she can really be sad and even cry (and “cry” for Olya is spoken exclusively with the word “even”, because it is not allowed often and on special occasions), then It’s as if on such days she has the right to have negative feelings about the lack of a relationship. The rest of the time, this is not a suitable activity for a “real” woman. Since it is men who should be sad about her, and not she about them... In these discussions, Olya almost forgot about the gift itself on March 8, or rather about its absence. So is it the gift? You and I can think about this together, write) You can contact me for a psychological analysis of difficult situations and questions by writing in PM or WhatsApp at the number 8-916-694-42-28
