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From the author: First published by Nadezhda Ognenko on the blog on March 16, 2012. on the website A dream is neither nonsense, nor rubbish, nor bullshit, nor a dump, nor madness, nor empty, nor something that should be brushed aside and forgotten. As many, alas, do! And I really want to talk to you about this today. In mid-March, I accidentally found out that March 16 this year is World Sleep Day. Amazing news, I must tell you! It turns out that this day has been celebrated since 2008. And I, a specialist in the field of dreams, had never heard of it! Well, first of all, I was extremely pleased with this news. The fact that dreams have begun to be given due importance instills faith not just in a bright future, but in a BEAUTIFUL future! Because attention to your own dreams and dreams creates a harmonious, integral personality! There are many more questions about dreams and dreams than answers. The world of dreams is still unexplored and filled to the brim with secrets. What is sleep really? What are the similarities with death? What happens to us when we float into the space of dreams? Why do we have dreams? What secrets are hidden there in these spaces? Is it possible to use dreams to make your desires come true? Etc. For more than twelve years I have been carefully studying dreams and dreams, writing them all down in notebooks and comparing daytime reality with nighttime images. I have more than forty filled notebooks! This, I tell you, is worth something! And you know what I discovered? I am from the space of dreams and I am in daytime reality - these are not two different people, they are one and the same. The same me. And if in a dream, no matter how wild, creepy, crazy, incredible or fantastic it is, it’s also me, then it’s better to restore contact with yourself from this space than to call it empty or delusional. And many do just that: they simply brush it off from myself, essentially. What kind of daytime life should they have if in their sleep they always have delusions or nightmares? The daytime self is not separated from the nighttime self. And the most harmonious thing that can be done is to study, explore oneself from the world of dreams and dreams. To come to wholeness. To better understand yourself, the motives of your own actions in daily life.1. So dreams are a wonderful opportunity to realize your integrity, to establish contact with your other self.2. The second thing that intrigues me extremely about dream reality is the creativity with its help. Everything that happens to us in the physical world, we first create with our thoughts and feelings. And dreams are the space in which we see the results of our creation. And if the result does not suit us, then we can change it simply by changing our thoughts and feelings. Dreams are a developed film that captures emotions, feelings and thoughts that we did not notice during the day.3. And the third thing I will note today is that dreams can be created consciously. We are certainly capable of influencing both our dreams and physical space consciously! Before going to bed, we can tune in to travel to the past or future, to meet any person, to treat a specific physical organ in the body, to get a new job or new income... There are no restrictions. Anyone who has not tried to tune in to a certain state before going to bed will not understand , what power such a setting carries. Sometimes you may not remember your dreams, but wake up with an unexpected phrase, with an unusual feeling. Or just during the day you suddenly notice that your condition has changed in the direction you need. For example. One day I fell asleep with the understanding that something inside me was terribly resisting awareness, and I asked the Source of Dreams a question: “How to remove the resistance? How to relax and trust life? I didn’t remember the dreams, but upon awakening the phrases were very clearly heard: “Return completely to the body. To be here and now.” Waking up with this phrase and getting out of bed, I suddenly, unexpectedly for myself, began to voice my own actions: “I sit down... I put on
