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If we like the performance, then we live everything that happens for real! Live emotions from the stage, audience reactions. And most importantly, your own emotions are what help you empathize, compare your states with the states of other people, go through untraveled paths, look for options for the turn of events, give vent to accumulated tension. Theater is a real psychotherapy session, when you feel others nearby, and not in front of you. computer or TV screen. When you’re not snacking on a sandwich and walking around the rooms doing parallel things. The Shadrinsky Drama Theater puts on performances for every taste and age! Thank you for your desire to be on top, even taking into account the lack of competition in the city! With my family or friends, we regularly attend almost all the performances of our theater, using any occasion. The cozy and friendly atmosphere itself is already attractive upon entering. And when you watch how actors grow, you are filled with some kind of aesthetic rapture or something. It’s a pity, of course, when your favorite artists leave the stage. But it’s just like in life – nothing stands still! Everything is always in development and movement. And it is given to people to determine where. Here are a couple of recommendations to turn an ordinary trip to the theater into a psychotherapy session: Do not forbid yourself any emotions! Allow yourself to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the performance, feel the emotions of each actor. Watch facial expressions, voice accents, movements,... Notice your own bodily reactions to different scenes - warmth, goosebumps, tears, sweaty palms, horror... Discuss with the partner with whom you watched the production or conduct a self-reflection session by answering questions. What moments stuck out to you? What reminded you of scenes from life, who did you recognize? Do you approve of the characters' behavior or condemn them? For what exactly? Which character did you like more than others? Which one didn't you like? What do you have in common? What's different? What can or want to adopt? Is there any similarity between the plot and your life? What feelings did the performance leave you with? How did your emotions change during and after viewing? What new thoughts appeared and how did they affect your emotions? What discoveries have you made and what can you now use in your life? Come up with an alternative ending to the play. Present your vision of the situation. And for maximum effect, the answers to these or other questions can be written down. How do you feel about the theater? If you still have questions, write a personal message on the website or through the VK community page: https://vk.me/psiholog.yulia. online
