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Yes, women, there is no mistake here, Fatal power has been given to you; One smile is enough for you to rise or fall. Louis Charles Alfred de Musset Today we live in times of information and technological progress. Everything flows, everything changes. Traditions, fashion, people, human principles, values ​​change, communication between people takes on a new character, the rhythm of life constantly pushes us forward. A modern woman, with such a rhythm, has become very different from the woman of former times. It is about such a woman that I would like to talk today, about a business-like, confident, strong, in a word - a business woman. Modern life has provided us women with enormous opportunities for social realization, for revealing our creative potential in all spheres of human activity. However, there is one serious "but". We began to explore purely male areas of activity. At the same time, we began to imitate men, adopting their style of behavior, techniques and methods of work, and model of life. The inevitable price for this is the loss of a specific female philosophy, which is accompanied by an accumulation of feelings of dissatisfaction, loneliness, and aggressiveness. Of course, this does not mean at all that being a strong, business woman is difficult and fraught with consequences. However, in reality, if you ask us, we can tell a lot about ourselves as a person, as an individual and as a professional, but about ourselves as a woman, we - business-minded, independent and often lonely - cannot say anything. Today, we, women , it is easier to be an interesting person than an interesting woman, because in our femininity we are very dependent on how men perceive us. And lately, men do not always perceive us women the way we would like. Despite the radical changes that occur in the world around us, there is something that remains unchanged. These are our mutual expectations from each other: a man dreams of a real woman, a woman dreams of a real man. But modern society breaks us, corrects us, demands something different from us, women control men, men, in turn, begin to feel helpless. This happens most often when we become successful business women. We confidently move towards our intended goal and want to see only a strong, successful man next to us, and it’s precisely these men who want to see tenderness and weakness in us... The problem is that sometimes years pass before we realize our feminine essence or do not realize it at all. We need to learn to be a woman against the background of male stereotypes, we have to learn to combine two professional roles: family and professional. A woman in our society is often more successful because she has more subtle social intelligence, better senses the nuances of relationships. The undoubted advantages include the power of female intuition, manifested in insight and unmistakable premonitions. She is endowed with acting abilities, capable of flexibility and transformation. During negotiations, such a woman has a calm, melodic voice with clear pronunciation. The gait is light, confident, and the posture is correct. Gestures are spare, not sweeping. The poses are natural, not closed. The manners are not provocative, the laughter is not too loud. She is elegant and charming. And, if you look at a business woman from the ideal side, she is a bright personality, not harsh and cold, but feminine, and perfectly captures the mood of others. She is goal-oriented, confident, willing to take risks and responds well to criticism. And, the most important thing is that she can easily switch from one social role (manager, businesswoman) to another (daughter, mother, wife). For such a woman, family is not a job, but a rear, an outlet and a source of internal strength. After all, no material wealth can replace a wife for a husband or a mother for children. Do you want to be successful in all areas? Learn, try, combine, and do not sacrifice one for the other. It is very important, while remaining active and successful, not to lose your feminine principle: be weak with a man,
