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The other day, an article about money was written here. The article is good, about the fact that not everything is measured by money, much less happiness. At the end, I read the user’s comment, I can’t convey the exact meaning, but the essence is this: “Well, of course...we need money in order to pay you psychologists, you don’t work for free.” I felt something, just like that The accusation is that psychologists do not work for free. Why should this actually be the case? And why do some people devalue the work of a psychologist, considering it not work at all? Let me assure you, this is not entertainment. In fact, you can say to everyone: “You don’t work for free...”. Before receiving a diploma in psychology, a person studies for five years, and for a fee. Then he constantly improves his qualifications, undergoes trainings and seminars, which are also paid. He pays to receive the knowledge he needs to work with people, who are a kind of tool in helping people. So, why should a psychologist, spending his personal time, giving away his knowledge, for which he gave his material resources, provide psychological assistance for free? There is such a concept, energy exchange. What energy can a person who comes to a psychologist give in return? The specialist invests his internal resources into the consultation: his energy, desire to help, his accumulated experience. What will he get in return? And how will the client feel when he receives real help by simply answering “Thank you”? Will he take seriously what he is given for free? But what about the saying: “Free cheese is only in a mousetrap”? Every self-respecting specialist should know his own worth. Someone who doesn’t know his own worth, “how much you will give,” is not respected, no matter how strange it may sound. They will use it to the fullest extent, but why not, for nothing, there is no respect. How a specialist evaluates himself is his own business. And such indignation “why do you have such a price, and that one over there has less”, does not oblige you to anything. Go there who has less. Everyone has the right to choose. A psychologist conducts a consultation for an hour or an hour and a half. Throughout the entire time, he is fully involved in his client, at the same time, analyzing, drawing up some kind of scheme for further work. He cannot run out for coffee, as is possible at other workplaces, chat on the phone, or just go out for some fresh air. It is unacceptable to interrupt a client; the main “thread” may be lost. And few clients come to the appointment with joy. Basically, these are experiences, bitter events, suffering, where empathy, understanding and, ultimately, help are needed from a psychologist. Often, this is “listening” to what is so necessary to express to a person, to which an appropriate reaction from a specialist is also needed. Listen, understand, alleviate the condition, help. The main thing is not to do any harm. I am writing all this not to show what hard work we have, but so that everyone, some, understand that this is a JOB that, like any other, should be paid. Question: “What does a psychologist take money for?”, answer: “For his professional work,” in which he applies his knowledge, techniques, skills, and abilities. These are not friends “in the kitchen” with advice or relatives with pity, this is qualified help. Only here can you entrust your most disturbing thoughts and be sure that everything will remain within these walls. By the way, often within the same walls that most specialists rent and therefore pay for. Whether psychological help is cheap or expensive is something everyone decides for themselves. Also, a person decides for himself whether he is ready to give n-amount for an hour and a half of someone else’s work with him; if he is ready to pay, then he is ready to receive something valuable for himself. I wish you all good luck!
