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Conservatism (from the Latin conservo - I preserve) is an ideological commitment to traditional values ​​and orders, social or religious doctrines TOLERANCE. from lat. tolerantе - patience) - the absence or weakening of a response to any conflict-generating factor. New Year's discussions in a large company turned to a topic that is categorically not recommended in communication according to English etiquette. This is the topic of sexual relations, the topic of modern political, social and personal attitudes towards LGBT*. The debate was heated. And my role as an arbitrator was very difficult. Although it was my professional task to be non-judgmental in the presence of a dispute and reflect the emotions of the disputants. Translating feelings into thoughts in the argument ring is cool! The dispute was between the generation over 50, to which I belong. I lived in an era of prohibitions and taboos. The other side was Generation Z, who are learning not only speed reading, but also the basics of psychological literacy. There is a lot of aggressive environment in modern Russia - an accusation from the younger generation. Veiled calls for violence against any manifestation of an individual view, a desire to drive into a framework, to equalize, so that it becomes easier to demand. And also a frank admission that making a decision in a world where there are thousands of offers of self-determination and self-realization is difficult. You can get confused in trying on self-identity when freedom is seen not as a path to a goal, but as a time of devaluation of everything. A conservative from the eighties accused of “everything accessible” and “obscenity.” He accused aggressively and harshly, putting anger and fear for the future into his words. My translation of his emotions was simple - anger due to fear of the unknown. The predictability of the last millennium was within the framework, in the stability and linear living of one’s own life. And now you can have many jobs, many changing professions, study without leaving home. You can do a lot, the main thing is to want and go. And conservatism assumes that people will follow only a few paths proposed to them. Generation Z spoke out very competently and consistently, without accusations, but also without excuses, which infuriated the conservative from the past even more. The behavior was somewhat provocative. Apparently the lack of and love for adrenaline risk in communication was the reason for this. But always after each conservative outburst, young tolerance added the phrase: “Forgive me if my views offend you so much.” “Victims,” you shouted at the end of the argument. If you accept LGBT*, you yourself may not be able to resist and try, and then how you will look at others in the eyes. What do you think about this debate? Both sides seemed to me to be very organic and appropriate to their era. To all my readers peace and kindness, awareness and honesty with oneself. With you was psychologist Yakovenko Galina, a translator of emotional states and an internal balancer regulator))) * LGBT is a movement whose activities are recognized as extremist and prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.
