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Gambling Addiction Gambling is a very common, socially acceptable and legal activity in most cultures around the world. It is always associated with playing for money. Game is one of the oldest forms of human entertainment. Initially, the game was recognized as a blessing. However, this “good” can turn out differently, bringing harmful consequences for a person and his family members. We are talking about a situation in which the game becomes the only source of pleasure, the only desire, addiction, gambling addiction. In most Western countries, gambling is available to the population and is administered by casinos. In Russia, casino activities have been prohibited (with the exception of the so-called “gaming zones”) since 2009. But, as is known, the ban only increases the desire, so taxpayers can drain their savings in underground casinos, not to mention online casinos, whose intrusive advertising tirelessly hurts the eye in the vastness of the Runet. Terminology Let's first look at the terminology. We will use the term “gaming addiction”, commonly used in the literature. In Russian psychology, the word “gambling addiction” is sometimes used to mean a pathological tendency to gamble. It is characterized by a loss of control over one’s own behavior. In the United States, acting as a trendsetter in psychological trends, gambling has long been considered a manifestation of impulse control disorder, therefore, a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but not an addiction. However, in the DSM-5 ( 2013) the term “gambling disorder” appears, and this disorder is classified as a non-chemical addiction, and not OCD. The same manual, fundamental to American psychiatry, provides a list of symptoms characteristic of this disorder. Diagnosis The presence of 4 of the 9 symptoms below, manifested within 12 months, indicates addiction. 1) The need to raise the stakes for arousal. 2) Irritation when trying to stop. 3 ) Repeated unsuccessful attempts to quit and stop. 4) Excessive preoccupation with gambling and obsessive thoughts. 5) Frequent gambling in a depressed state, when the player experiences a feeling of guilt and helplessness. 6) Attempts to recoup the next day. 7) Deceiving relatives and friends about their participation in gambling.8) Loss of significant relationships (in the family, at work) due to gambling.9) Planning to use other people for their financial support. Portrait of a dependent gambler and comorbidity. The average addicted gambler is a middle-aged man. Men are more likely to be addicted to gambling than women, although the gap is narrowing in Western countries. Men tend to prefer various forms of gambling such as card games, sports betting and racing. Women (mostly elderly) abuse slot machines, lotteries and bingo. Many players are susceptible to alcoholism. Alcohol enhances sensations and excitement for them. The comorbidity of alcoholism and gambling addiction has been statistically proven. In addition, there has been a connection between gambling addiction and various mental personality disorders and psychological problems, such as depression and loneliness. Dependent gamblers tend to have suicidal thoughts. Every fifth problem gambler attempts suicide. This figure is higher than that of any other type of addict. This was brilliantly demonstrated in S. Zweig’s work “24 Hours in the Life of a Woman.” Psychologists note that there are various factors that contribute to the development of a gaming addiction in a subject. However, these factors do not have empirical evidence, so they should be treated with skepticism. Factors predisposing to the development of gaming addiction (Korolenko T.P. and Dmitrieva N.V.): - improper upbringing in the family; - participation in games of parents and acquaintances ;- desire for play since childhood; - materialism; - overestimation of the value of material values; - fixed attention to».
