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Sometimes people turn to a psychologist with very specific things: - getting over a breakup, - changing jobs, - improving relationships with a child//husband//mother, etc. But many come with more general ones and large-scale requests: I want to earn a lot, realize my potential, build good relationships with others; and so on in this vein. And if in the first case psychological work may be short-term and narrowly focused (or may not be if local issues turn out to be related to global ones), then in the second case it is mostly an application for long-term therapy. Because it will take deep self-discovery and big changes on the Inside to radically change your life and your relationships on the outside. And most often, the goal of this work is growing up. To have the bonuses of adult life: money, relationships and self-sufficiency (when you feel good with yourself, without everyone), you need to be an adult not only according to your passport. That is, to have an adult position in relation to all these issues, and to oneself - first of all, to oneself, because this is the basis on which relationships with the outside world are built. And this implies the need to understand how everything works in all these spheres in your modern world (and not blindly follow, for example, what your mother told you about this life), and understand how it works for you personally: - what you are inclined towards, - what you want and what you can, - what resources you have and which are still available, but not mastered, which prevents you from moving forward towards your goals; and much more. And then from here build an individual strategy: what needs to be adjusted or compensated, and what to acquire and develop (and how); what to invest in and what to let go of so as not to waste energy. It is also important to master the concept of “responsibility” in a broad sense - as the willingness and ability to deal with the consequences of one’s actions, predict these consequences and consciously choose what to do and what not, and how exactly. All this is a lot of work, it cannot be done quickly. Over the years, a person has been formed as he is, and that means changing so globally will take at least months. From six months to the first visible changes, to several years to rebuild your whole life in a new way. There is no magic wand, but there is a Path, like a real samurai :), only with a goal. Particularly complex and confusing sections of this path are easier to follow with an experienced guide : from April I will have two free places for long-term therapy, and I will be glad to see new clients :)
