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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert of television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, best master, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia Many of us carry a similar condition within us. And, of course, tightness is the source of both male and female sexual problems. But men often formulate this differently, because the stronger sex is not supposed to be constrained, they are rather constrained. But girls are more straightforward in this regard, and call things by their proper names. And if we are talking about anorgasmia and frigidity, then there will be constraint. such a frequent visitor. What to do in such a situation, where this problem can arise from, this will be discussed in my article, as a psychologist-sexologist. So, if we take my client from Moscow as an example, then her tightness, like most. sexual female problems, such as anorgasmia, frigidity, alibidemia, or vaginismus, came from the girl’s past. Now she remembered herself as a high school student when a cheerful group of classmates was drunk, and as they say, “we didn’t know what we were doing.” as the client said: there was about a sexual experience with a girl. It is worth considering that sometimes, when there has not yet been sexual experience with guys, girls get to know each other with representatives of the same sex in order to practice. That's what happened this time too. Lesbian relationships didn’t happen, the girls just touched and caressed each other in different places through their clothes, and when a classmate came in, they stopped this activity, and somehow it all came down to a joke, like a series: no one understood anything. Now we have removed from my client the shame and the thought that she did something bad and wrong, because it was a certain experience, and now it should have been perceived neutrally, without unnecessary negative aspects. We moved on, and a repeat of the situation came out, but with a different girl. Then the friends spent the night together and slept in the same bed. The picture was approximately the same, but my friend showed more initiative and tried to somehow get a client. In the end, it didn't go far anyway. They are still friends and communicate, but such an experience has never been repeated, and they prefer not to mention it, especially since both are in relationships with men. Here we also removed the idea that sex in an unusual form is something forbidden, shameful, and bad. Then, in general, they moved towards common sexual manifestations with men, so to speak: a generalization of experience occurred. Now the girl has realized for herself that everything here is clear to her, she doesn’t want any more repetitions, and she won’t fall back into casual relationships with girls. Next came, again, a party. Then there was the first kiss with a guy who was in a relationship. Something spontaneous arose at that moment, some kind of impulse, and that’s all. The next day, the guy texted her so that she wouldn’t think about anything like that. He loves his girlfriend and should not be seriously considered. Here we removed the state of resentment from the client, who did not want anything at all. She knew about the relationship and did not make any further plans. It was just the first kiss, and it was overshadowed by this situation. Now, as a practicing sexologist, psychotherapist and family psychologist, I have brought the state of my client and Moscow to neutral. And then we increased her self-esteem, added self-confidence, and erased the negative episode from the girl’s memory, as something that contributed to tightness and anorgasmia. This is our.
