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Every day a person finds himself in various communication situations, performs certain actions, the mechanisms of which he practically does not think about. Some interactions do not bring the expected result, difficulties arise in communicating with specific people, and some areas of life may not bring satisfaction. These difficulties may be associated with negative or irrational attitudes that a person has acquired in the process of communication and life experience, which are deposited in the unconscious and affect the individual’s quality of life. Speech from others and from significant close people can leave a special imprint on the individual’s consciousness. Even insignificant phrases can leave an impression, offend a person and be recorded in memory, and then influence various areas of activity, actions and self-esteem of a particular person. Even when a person is faced with a choice, self-esteem influences the choice in a certain favor. Attitudes and beliefs appear that a person may have previously heard from his parents: “Mom won’t say anything bad” or “The parent is always right”, or “Parents are not chosen”, in the context of the fact that he may not be good enough for a particular activity. Based on this, he subconsciously believes that their words, although truly true, may hurt or be offensive. Self-esteem is inextricably linked with evaluating oneself through comparison with others, for example, describing oneself as “I am good” can mean that “I am better.” than others" and vice versa. “Self-esteem is a person’s ability to make a definite judgment about the value, meaning or quality of his actions, actions, aspects of his personality” [15, p. 49]. In the process of self-esteem, there is a correlation between the idea of ​​oneself and certain internal criteria and with the image of the “Ideal Self.” All researchers of self-esteem agree that parents play a decisive role in its formation; they lay the foundations of the child’s self-awareness, namely: Norms, values, parameters of self-esteem, standards and moral norms. A way of regulating a child’s behavior by parents and other adults, which becomes a way of self-regulation. Assimilation of someone else’s self-esteem as an example (parental self-esteem). An image of oneself possessing certain traits. An emotional and intellectual attitude towards the child, the assessment of the child by parents, which then determine the child’s self-esteem [15, p. 153-154]. Accordingly, such assessments of appearance as “sleeper/tall”, “gnome/dwarf” or “lop-eared/snub-nosed”, “red-haired freckled” can be reproduced by a parent in the context of a joke or affectionate treatment, however, they can also become a stigma in their child, preventing them from living and adequately perceiving themselves. If negative assessments regarding appearance are assigned from an early age, the likelihood that an individual will develop low self-esteem increases significantly. It is difficult for a child to determine the “jocularity”, falsity or truthfulness of words (relative to external characteristics) due to the insufficient development of certain cognitive processes. At the initial stages of development, the child tends to evaluate his physical qualities and capabilities. The significance of the person addressing the child also plays an important role, since a close and beloved person “cannot deceive”, the child gradually begins to become convinced that there is “something wrong” with him, that there is a problem that he will have to live with. According to S. Coopersmith's research, the conditions for the formation of low self-esteem are: Parents' demands from children (neatness, obedience, academic performance, politeness, “being correct/good,” conflict-free, etc.). Indifference and lack of interest in the well-being and development of the child. Conflicts between parents , divorces and remarriage. Low satisfaction of the mother with the relationship between her son and father [15, p. 154]. It is assumed that the formation of “fragile” self-esteem (overestimated or underestimated) - dependent and unstable - occurs when parents overly idealize the child and present.
