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WALKING THROUGH LIFE EASILY.Walking through life with a light, dancing gait - how great it would be!! But this only happens in childhood, when there is no burden of negative experiences, limiting beliefs, unfinished relationships, etc. etc. This is exactly what we will talk about today about the correct ending of the relationship. Psychologists who have studied the phenomenon of human memory have come to the conclusion, and you yourself can confirm this, that we more often remember unfinished tasks than those that have already been completed. Our attention, and therefore our energy, “merges” there. Of course, the resources of our conscious memory are limited, we do not keep our entire past in our heads, but one way or another, unfinished relationships make themselves felt, and even almost always determine our present contacts. What if this is not just an unfinished relationship? Then such states become understandable that “there is no strength to live, I don’t want anything, there is little joy in life, etc.” I will give one of the typical examples. One of my clients in her youth had a relationship with a wonderful young man, smart, promising, from a good family. But it didn’t work out, there was a painful breakup without explanation, without a final “sorry.” Over the years, everything was forgotten, the pain dulled, but later she avoided building close relationships with smart, successful men and chose a quiet, weak “mama’s boy” as her husband and could not understand why she was being punished like this? The reason is that the part of her that was “wounded” by such a breakup subconsciously protected her from meeting men similar to the one, it seemed to her that there was a high probability of repeating the past painful experience, the woman simply “did not meet” them or found them in There are too many negative ones, on the one hand. And on the other hand, this same part believed that the first one was her “husband” (they didn’t finish, they just quarreled), then they had to make a “son” out of the person who was next to her today. A sad story, but at the same time giving strength to change or to accept today’s situation consciously and no longer consider oneself a victim of force majeure circumstances. So, how to understand that the relationship is not over. There are several clear signs. Here are the main ones: If, remembering someone, you think or say: “I don’t want to know anything about this person, I don’t even want to hear about him, he wasn’t in my life!!!” As a rule, you experience a lot of negative emotions: anger, resentment, confusion, and they are as bright as if it happened yesterday. Then the relationship is not over, your energy is “wasted” on not remembering, not feeling, not knowing, protecting yourself from pain. If you choose typical partners, and your life is running in circles, according to the same scenario, then those the very first relationship where it all started still “hurt”. And going into the next circle, there is an unconscious hope that this time everything will be different, the story will have a different ending. But if you don’t change and do everything the same, where will a different ending come from? If you chose a person as your partner - the exact opposite of the one from the past and are not happy with him - the same story. This looks like unconscious revenge - “You hurt me, watch how I take revenge on you, I won’t choose you.” And your current partner may love you very much, be a wonderful person, but you will not notice or appreciate this, because with your body you are with him, and your soul is solving the issues of the past. This is the main thing that occurs in practice. What does it mean to end a relationship “correctly”? This is when I remember how old I really am, that I am already an old, adult person and I already understand a lot about this life and know how to forgive. This is when I remember that a person was in my life, I am filled with gratitude and joy for the experience. And what is this precious “experience” in this case? Anything! For example: Imagine what you think the person who hurt you would be like. Would you like to be with.
