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Many people would like to attract such material wealth into their lives in order to ensure both their future and the future of their children. But on the other hand, many people actively believe that “money is the source all the evils and troubles”, “you can’t earn all the money”, etc. They believe it for a long time and so much so that they stop thinking about it. And then the subconscious begins to realize this. There is such an anecdote. A man rides on a bus and thinks: “What kind of life is this?!..” An angel behind his shoulder writes down... “Strange. Again he orders the same thing...What can you do? We must do it.” Beliefs and convictions are formed at different periods of life. Most of this occurs in early childhood, up to three to five years of age, when parents pass on to us their money beliefs, many of which do not always contribute to material wealth. As a result, our subconscious does everything to realize the beliefs that sit in our heads. Our consciousness does NOT agree with what we receive, but where to go? We must do it))). Thoughts about money are always followed by emotions. Money is a very emotionally charged topic. If there was not enough money in the family, then anxiety, hopelessness, disappointment, pain, and sometimes anger and resentment would set in. This was usually accompanied by trauma. Trauma is any event in which we “did not win.” For example, a girl secretly took her new beautiful doll from her mother and took it out into the yard to play. And then the neighbor’s kid grabbed this doll and threw it into a huge puddle. Mom scolded me strongly, the doll was ruined, the boy gloated - the girl was crying... it was a shame... Trauma. What if, everything is the same, the doll is in a puddle, but the girl’s dad comes out. He shook the boy by the scruff of the neck, so as not to offend his daughter. And he says to her: “Don’t cry, daughter. Let’s go, let’s buy a new doll.” No injury. We won! Our subconscious has the ability to forget, repress, rationalize, etc. trauma. As a result, a person sincerely believes that everything that happens in this world is because the WORLD is BAD, and he, the person, is good, and the world presents him with the most cruel trials. In fact, all these cruel trials are presented to him NOT by the world, but by his traumatized subconscious. Trauma is a source of pain in the brain. And every time the situation becomes at least a little similar to the event where you were injured, the subconscious screams: Stop! Not a step further! Life threatening! Save yourself as best you can! One of the reasons why there is no money is our history, which we are all burdened with, without exception. NEP, dispossession, repressions of 35-37, war and difficult post-war years, etc. And we are accustomed to the fact that we must NOT stick our neck out (don’t be rich, otherwise they will kill you), and money comes from hard work. These are the two main generic templates that are passed down to us from our generation. How to create material wealth in your life in order to ensure your future and the future of your children? To do this, you need to take only two steps. The first step. Set a goal. Specific, tangible, depending on you, environmentally friendly, including your values. And... don’t rush to implement it. Because this step will provoke feelings in your Soul that in the past brought you pain and suffering. Your subconscious will scream: Stop! Not a step further! Life threatening! Save yourself as best you can! And you will want to give up your goal, calm down and feel sorry for yourself, blame circumstances and this cruel, bad world. Now you understand that this is a normal reaction to the activation of your traumas. It is still better to take the second step. Free yourself in your Soul from the traumatic emotional charges of the past that prohibit you from moving towards your goal. Taking the second step, you accept your feeling with love and follow it to its Source. That is, at the event when this feeling arose. By accepting the event and returning the feeling to it, you free yourself from it and get out of its influence on you. Laziness stops, uncertainty stops, doubt goes away. There is 100% confidence that the goal is achievable. And on time. I want to do something right away to bring her closer. You feel powerful and joyful in your own strength. Peace at once/
