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From the author: Everyone can correctly understand the level of their self-esteem. First you need to deal with your inner “I”. Only then, realizing your real capabilities, build new levels of achievement. To correct, level up and establish your self-esteem, I can give you 10 useful tips. To form a comprehensively developed personality, you need adequate self-esteem and an understanding of your real capabilities. This allows a person to objectively assess situations, adding confidence to his actions. It is very rare that people can truly reach their potential. It's all due to high or low self-esteem. Which one is better? I can say with confidence that both the first and second prevent a person from fully enjoying life. People with high self-esteem inadequately assess their capabilities, attributing unrealistic achievements to themselves. As a result, their world of illusions collapses, leaving only disappointments. The same can be said about people with low self-esteem. Hiding behind built-in restrictions, they do not fully appreciate their potential capabilities, thereby not allowing them to be realized. Therefore, only adequate self-esteem allows a person to fully assert himself and determine himself to the proper level. Everyone can correctly understand their level of self-esteem. First you need to deal with your inner “I”. Only then, realizing your real capabilities, build new levels of achievement. To correct, align and establish your self-esteem, I can give you 10 useful tips:1. Surround yourself with positive, confident people. This will not lower, but strengthen your self-esteem. Avoid communicating with negative people who will only depress your ideas.2. Avoid negative statements about you and your capabilities, which can lead to self-destruction. Adequate self-assessment of your abilities should be carried out with positive emotions.3. Accept any praise addressed to you without underestimating your merits. Rejecting compliments creates low self-esteem.4. Try to take in all the information to strengthen your self-esteem. Books, television and seminars will help to imprint a positive perception of the world in your subconscious, which serves as an impetus for increasing your perception.5. It is necessary to create a list of your small and big victories: you learned to swim, received your first prize, learned to play a musical instrument, etc. By constantly looking through the list and remembering your achievements, you can again plunge into the world of positive emotions, which has a beneficial effect on your spiritual condition.6. Write down all your positive qualities: kindness, honesty, sociability, mercy, etc. By re-reading this list, you focus your attention only on the positive, thereby allowing you to increase your self-esteem and make your cherished dreams come true. After all, adequate self-esteem is the basis for perceiving one’s own success.7. Try to do an activity or hobby that brings you pleasure. Doing what you love contributes to the realization of your potential, all the more strengthening the value of your “I”.8. By helping others, you will feel needed and useful to society. You will stop having thoughts that you are wasting your life or that you have no place in this world.9. You shouldn’t compare yourself with other people: some people live better, others worse. Everyone has their own life and needs to concentrate on their achievements. It is necessary to compare your victories today with those of yesterday, thereby setting you up for achieving greater heights.10. Don't be idle. By sitting still and being afraid to take a step forward, you will never achieve your goals, thereby lowering your level of self-esteem. When you move forward, the feeling of respect for yourself and your personality increases, regardless of the result obtained. Do not forget that each of us is unique and perfect in our own way. Adequate self-esteem will help you evaluate yourself as a person, opening new
