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Nowadays, “anesthesia” for physical and mental pain is used everywhere. Which, unfortunately, leads to the freezing of feelings and, as a result, the loss of the colors of life, the ability to enjoy and rejoice. Instead, addiction depression appears, and all psychosomatics is in one way or another based on the suppression of feelings. I wanted to touch on the topic of pain during menstruation. And not its possible psycho-physiological causes. And ways to live through pain without stuffing yourself with pills again. Of course, we need to understand the reasons. But it happens that everything is in order with the reproductive system, but sometimes menstruation is still painful. What to do? Firstly, let yourself get sick, lie down if possible. Secondly, direct your attention to the pain zone. Do not try to distract yourself from it, but on the contrary, focus all your attention on the pain and breathe through the point of pain. Perhaps at this moment answers about the causes of pain will come to you. It is important not only to calm the symptom, but to receive a message from your body, which is trying to convey it to you in this way. Thirdly, if you have nagging pain in the lower back, you can gently stretch this area. For example, do the well-known pelvic dial exercise (a description can be found on the Internet). Or other stretching exercises. We do it very gently, slowly and carefully, leaving attention in the pain area. Often the cause of pain is tension, gentle stretching helps release tension. Last and very important! Ask your partner to be with you during this moment. Place your hands where the pain is, such as your lower abdomen or pelvic bones, and place your partner's hands on top of yours. Or simply place his hands on the painful point and focus your attention there. These days a woman is more vulnerable. She needs more support and care from a man. And one way to get this is through physical contact. You can say a lot of things, but just one gentle touch, especially at the right moment, gives the body a real experience of love, care, warmth and unity. A pleasant side effect will be improved relationships in couples and increased depth of contact and intimacy.
