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From the author: The article was published on September 8, 2013 on the website (continued) A person has an eternal, elevating need to love. Anatole France Completes the optimistic triad of feelings - love, but this does not make it the last in importance, moreover, the life-affirming power of love is supported by faith and reliability, and only with love can one truly believe and hope. The variety of forms of love and its manifestations does not allow us to give it not only a single generalizing and exhaustive definition, but even partially convey its semantic completeness and fullness. But how divine the word “LOVE” sounds and how we all understand it, each in our own way, with different depths and sounds, with different meanings and directions, and from this it only becomes more multifaceted, broad, and profound. It is customary to distinguish several main types of love: romantic love-affection between men and women, family love-tenderness between parents and children, love-friendship between brothers and sisters, Christian love for one’s neighbor, love for God, love for one’s homeland, for nature, to art, animals, etc. What epithets have not been used to describe the word LOVE: it is Divine, and sensual, and magical, and beautiful, and ephemeral, and reckless, and sinless, and fatal, and platonic, and carnal, and unconditional, and reckless, and ardent, and passionate, etc. – and that’s all it is – LOVE. From time immemorial, love has occupied one of the highest positions in the register of universal human values. It was and is sung by poets, every person lives by it, life is impossible without love. I would like to dwell on the concept of love of life, which, in my opinion, is not given enough attention, although love of life is no less real and important for each of us, it is also necessary for us, like all other types of love. And in the context of the theme of the optimistic triad of feelings - faith, hope, love, it is, perhaps, more clearly than all its other varieties, capable of revealing the power of this triad and characterizing its very essence. Love is always accompanied by faith and hope, and it is characterized by the optimism that characterizes them. People who live with love in their hearts are always cheerful, they radiate light, charge with energy and optimism, they have a lot of desires, goals, aspirations, ideas, their love of life can inspire, support, ignite, create. Love of life is the highest form of love, it serves to preserve and develop life, it helps us feel happy, allows us to walk through life boldly and freely, leads us to achieve harmony with ourselves and with the world as a whole. Let faith, hope and love become an integral part of your inner world, let them guide your creative forces, guide you through life, and no matter who or what you love on your life’s path, remember in your LOVE there must be faith and hope, and to believe and you need to hope with love, first of all - love for life.
