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Let's imagine that all love relationships can be divided into four groups: 1. YOU love yourself, your own feeling is more important. At the same time, you can even come to terms with the fact that you are not reciprocated. You don't notice it or you can tolerate it.2. They love YOU. And this is very important for you - to be loved by someone. This makes you feel needed and happy. It is more important for you to be loved.3. For you, LOVE has meaning only if it is reciprocated. You don't start a relationship if you can't reciprocate your feelings. And you do not pursue the object of your love, but allow your feelings to go away.4. For you, love is secondary. You can live and build a relationship with a person completely ignoring your feelings. Comfort and security in relationships are more important, affection, CARE and stability are more important. When you know HOW you want to love, you unconsciously look for your type of love relationship. And here it’s a matter of luck and your patience in finding a partner. BUT! There is always some “but”. But, you are afraid of: Getting attached Losing not being liked Making a mistake in choosing a partner Experiencing mental pain... And this, in your understanding, is the dead end of the labyrinth, this is something that is insurmountable and insoluble. More than anything else, this is exactly what you didn’t want. And you begin to look for reasons not to look for love, not to go on dates, and if something has arisen, then you run away from it without looking back. Let’s consider these “buts”. Attachment is formed over several months, almost a year. If the relationship is just beginning and you have only known each other for a few days, what scares you is called obsession, dependence, but certainly not attachment. Missing the person you like is something natural. At the same time, constant communication and being together will not make your relationship better or stronger. This is influenced by completely different factors, but not by sticking to each other. ALTHOUGH, if two people meet who want a dependent relationship, then they will simply need to mutually give and receive attention, control each other, etc. These are two matching styles in relationships. Fear of losing a loved one. The question is, who isn’t afraid of this? But, is this how to start a relationship? Yes, maybe you will be disappointed in him in three days and you yourself will want to interrupt all this romance and the prospect of a relationship. Or is it a desire for a “guaranteed” relationship in the future? You look at the newlyweds in the registry office, happy and confident that they will love each other until old age, and after a couple of years they do not understand why they got married at all. No, this does not apply to happy couples, but there are always several options for the development of events. The horror story of “not liking” or disappointing your love object. More common in women. One can admit and allow to be loved, while the other cannot. You, being so imperfect, may not even know that someone already loves you. Not knowing does not mean absence. You can love yourself or not love yourself, but what does others have to do with it? There were, are and will be mistakes in choosing a partner. Because this question, if not scientific, is extremely important for future relationships and even more so for family well-being and happiness. If a person is NOT THE ONE or NOT YOURS, then all you can do is endure it or try to do something about it. This is not a dead end in the labyrinth of love. Before you start looking for a partner, you need to understand what you want to get from your loved one and how you would like to see him. When a person carries out all this analytics, when, having completed a relationship, he draws conclusions about how much the partner met expectations or was suitable, then gradually with experience comes the realization of “who can I be happy with” and who cannot make me happy. Men are the most successful and practical in this matter. The fear of experiencing mental pain cannot be treated. Either a person takes risks and manages to be happy, or he is afraid and remains without love altogether. The choice is yours. Choosing the metaphor of a LABYRINTH, it seemed to me that it is the labyrinth that most accurately conveys the experience of each person in search of his love. Like in a maze.
