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Often parents of teenagers and young people complain about their laziness. “Laziness sits on laziness and drives laziness”, “he/she is just lazy, that’s what teachers say”, “I see that this is banal laziness.” Hearing my response: “NO LAZY!”, they react differently. What to do when there is no laziness, but the word has taken root and “saves” either from responsibility, or from paying attention to the situation, or from anxiety to see the truth, and much more? Quite a long time ago, experiments were carried out where a person had to sit and just be lazy, i.e. .e. do absolutely nothing. Don’t sleep, don’t listen or watch anything, preferably don’t think about anything and don’t really do anything. Average control time - 6 minutes! After this time, a turning point came when I REALLY wanted something. Let’s consider only the master-subordinate relationship, i.e. and parent-child option. Since laziness is not initially characteristic of the behavior of a healthy person, then deep down these avoidances, postponements, “doing nothing” through agitation, finding adventures on the head and the rest are CONFLICT. This is a difference in the expectations of the “top”: manager, boss, teacher, mentor, parent; and possibilities expressed through mental activity or certain actions, actions of the “lower classes”: performer, subordinate, student, pupil, child. “Lazy guy!” This means that a person does not do what is expected of him. This is when his real “I want” or “I care” goes against the “must” or “must” from someone else’s head. And the forces are not spent on fulfillment, but on avoiding or restraining the process. A child in such quiet rebellion, in passive avoidance, may even “get sick out of the blue” or get into an unpleasant situation. Running away from other people’s expectations, our unconscious rushes without knowing the road. In my head. And in life, sometimes things get stuck and freeze... Many parents are sincerely surprised how a child can sleep for 16 hours and not be woken up? What do you want to encourage him to do? So “sleeping beauties and princes” or “elusive Joes, whirlwinds with an awl in one place” appear. The picture is familiar: a child barely does something... And then makes up for lost time with sparkling eyes in a game, some kind of childish fun or communication? A “sloth” poking over a textbook with a notebook in the yard turns into a ringleader, an organizer of fun, a repairer of a bicycle, a carousel, and anything else, because... This is what HE WANTS! Laziness lives in the gap between the desires of different people. Look at yourself through the eyes of a child! You are terribly lazy! You don’t play with the cat, you don’t jump around the yard with your peers, you don’t go ice skating, you don’t play all day long on weekends, you don’t just daydream and tell each other about it. You are often lazy to read a fairy tale out loud, especially if it’s your favorite and you have to read it at 57 again, be lazy to sing lullabies, so that they are different every day. Be lazy about playing games and toys with your children! And who else will teach them how to do this brightly and creatively, in a truly exciting way? Yes, you are not doing anything important at all from the point of view of children's interests at the moment. You're too lazy to even come up with something SUCH. Well, throwing darts at a cactus to make it more fun, how many of you thought of it? What about shooting raspberry compote from a water pistol so that the wounded person has “like real blood”? Put the cat in a “sleeping bag” made from dad’s rubber boots or grandma’s felt boots? And only those who are “on top”, who are the “commander-in-chief”, have the right to officially call this conflict LAZINESS. And what about the lower classes? They get sad and get used to hearing that they are not like that, they learn to live in guilt and shame... And they learn... And then, according to the same scenario, they grow their continuation.
