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Counterfactual thinking (eng. counterfactual thinking; thinking contrary to facts; counterfactual thinking) is a type of thinking characterized by a person’s tendency to imagine possible options for life events that have already occurred. Usually, the reconstruction of alternative events begins with reflection “ If…". So what do social psychologists and anthropologists say about this? Counterfactual memories of people about events in the past have similar features and differ between men and women: - if we are talking about memories of parents or school years, then both men and women regret the same what they didn’t do: but if the events are related to love stories, then men regret what they didn’t do, and women regret what they did. This is due to the fact that men are prone to polygamy and promiscuity, whereas women are more careful when choosing a partner. And if they make the wrong decision, they remember it for a long time. Ostentatious well-being and demonstrative behavior are a form of behavior that is very necessary for the stronger sex. The behavior of an alpha male in nature is the key to the transmission of his genes and the sustainability of the species. And “sophisticated accessories” are the key to success with ladies, not only with animals. Peacocks are the most striking proof of this. The unique peacock tail is a stunning lure not only for females. Male peacocks are not only beautiful, their meat is very tasty. And during the mating season, when peacocks are at their best, they are more vulnerable. It is during this period that animals become prey to predators and people. But despite its short life, the animal manages to attract a partner and pass on its genes. Female peacocks are rather inconspicuous, and their tail serves them more for speed than for beauty. It is they who need such an appearance to protect and preserve their offspring. Men often also boast of their wealth, “beautiful toys”, be it cars, suits, watches or sneakers... History is rich in amazing examples of wastefulness of rulers and kings, from pharaohs to petty princes Pacific Islands somewhere in Polynesia. This is their dominant feature, the key to procreation, the transmission of their genes. This is the need to find the most attractive and healthy companion. Recent studies by social psychologists have proven that for a woman to choose a partner, leadership qualities, what a man wears, and what social status he has are more important than external attractiveness. But for men, it doesn’t matter at all what a woman wears and her leadership qualities do not repel them at all. Their physical attractiveness is more important to them. Lyrically minded women tend to show altruism, provide assistance, and men tend to waste money. Dreaming about exploits, boasting. A man needs status like air; it is position in society, admiration, opportunities to express oneself, significance in the eyes of a woman and respect among men that is a powerful aphrodisiac for them.
