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We continue to talk about illness as a somatic process that replaces a process in the psyche that threatens it with disintegration. Simply put, if the psyche cannot withstand the process, the task of experiencing it is transferred to the body. And the body is sick. That is, allergic, autoimmune diseases can apparently be considered a somatized experience of being in a codependent relationship, provoked by prenatal or early infantile, preverbal trauma. Codependency is a pathological condition characterized by deep absorption and strong emotional, social or even physical dependence on another person. A codependent must seem to be inside another person, living his life, his experiences and needs. It’s as if he himself doesn’t exist. He was not born yet. Somatized codependency, which exists in the form of allergic reactions, apparently forms very early, in symbiosis with a mysterious, unpredictable mother, severely disturbed, absorbing. Apparently perverse. And with an absent or flickering father - after all, a really existing father figure would transform the dyad into a triad. Then in adult life, objects of codependency (relationship partners, children) will be selected or created in the image and likeness of the mother. These will be dependent people or psychotics or cancer patients. Unpredictable, highly disrupted, consuming. With perverse placement of libido... Quite a long time ago I noticed in practice that a person with oncology or a serious autoimmune disease (by the way, oncology can also be considered as “madness” of the immune system) is usually paired with an allergy sufferer. That is, a combination of too aggressive, auto-aggressive immunity and overly defensive, “suspicious” immunity. Paranoid. All this is about the movement of aggression, aggression not associated with libido, between objects in symbiosis. Oncology, allergic reactions, addiction and codependency - all these problems are considered to be hereditary. Recognizing that diseases, like addictions, are forms of behavior, in our case these will be forms of scripted behavior, and then the formation of allergic object relations must be recognized as a transgenerational process. Drawing an analogy between generic scripts and hereditary species programs in animals, it can be assumed that successful The work of a psychotherapist with a hereditary script should be carried out as work with a natural instinct. How we work with sexual instinct or aggression. Through awareness, normalization and sublimation of the conscious. In the case of a scenario, you need to initially understand and sublimate the adaptation strategy. Which, when passed on from generation to generation, becomes destructive. Perhaps the “kangaroo baby” position was adaptive for children of war, children whose survival depended on contact with adults who were concerned about their own survival and unable to give children proper attention and care. And the tendency towards such an irresistible symbiosis began to be passed on from generation to generation. Obviously, initially in therapy the maternal transference will be formed, the psychotherapeutic couple will be a model of the mother-child pair. And an important stage of therapy will be the formation of a third in the field, the formation of a male object, a father figure, in the patient’s psyche. Then codependency will be overcome through gaining the ability to have triadic relationships.
