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The inner world of a person - thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, aspirations - a kaleidoscope of colors, shades, changeable states. White, black, purple, white again, black again. And the person himself, for the most part, has no control over the flow of changes in which he finds himself. At best, if he has developed meditation skills, he can observe this flow without getting particularly involved. And where does all this come from? Where does this variability come from? Where do these flows come from? The physical world of a person - the body, houses, trees, friends, relatives - is only part of the Universal World - like a computer game on a computer screen - this is also a world, but far from complete. After all, there is the computer itself, the programs embedded in it, and the player who sits in front of the screen. And those images that flash on the screen during the game can think as much as they want that they are self-sufficient, but they are only images on a computer screen. So is man. He can consider himself the center of the universe as much as he wants, but he is just an image on the screen of a giant computer called “Life”. And this game has its own rules and ways to move from level to level and its own traps, exciting and dropping you to a level (or several) below. The main of these traps are fears and addictions. It is clear that the Pure Consciousness that created all these worlds is beyond all restrictions and free from everything that captivates us so much. But part of this consciousness (Monad) focuses its attention on the Game, is present with its attention here and now, which means it is captured by interest. And while she is interested, the figure on the computer screen will run, stumble, fall, get up, love, suffer, hate until it saturates its Spirit with all possible experiences of existence in this world. Everyone will experience Everything. There is no other way. There is no way out of the game, in the form of suicide - it’s just a fall several levels lower, where - “you can’t carry one bag - they’ll give you two.” What is the way out of this whole story for us sinners? You can curse your life as much as you like, be outraged by the injustice of this world, but this will not change the rules of the game. And excessive protest against life is a direct path to a level (several levels) lower. Therefore, only awareness and non-involvement are the ancient ways of harmoniously living your game. Events pass before the gaze of a Taoist sage: wars, disasters, people’s suffering, but all this is reflected in his eyes and does not cause any reaction in him. A stream of thoughts flows through his consciousness, like the consciousness of any person, but they pass like clouds across the sky and disappear without a trace. The usual desires awaken in his body - food, sex, rest, but he only calmly watches how they penetrate his body, try to light a fire and take over his consciousness and does not get involved in their game. Of course, becoming like this is hard work, but only from this state can you move to another level of the game. What will happen there? Wait and see. http://vk.com/id153917865
