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AND WHO DOESN’T WANT TO BE HAPPY?The best education is self-education. It is no coincidence that modern education is aimed not at giving ready-made knowledge to students, but at teaching them to learn and to teach them to think independently. The dynamics of society's development are very high; scientific and technological progress does not allow young specialists and professionals in any industry to stand still. Modern specialists must be ready to learn, engage in self-education, and professional self-development throughout their lives. Personal development is impossible in isolation from its professional development; professional development is impossible without personal development. Creating conditions conducive to the formation of the need for self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement - personal self-actualization, including professional self-realization - is the main goal of the organization in which these specialists carry out their activities. According to Abraham Maslow’s definition: “Self-actualization is the continuous realization of potential capabilities, abilities and talents, as the accomplishment of one’s mission, or calling, destiny, etc., as a more complete knowledge and, therefore, acceptance of one’s own original nature, as a tireless the desire for unity, integration, or internal synergy of the individual." Self-actualization is to live by constant choice, in every choice to make a decision in favor of development. Self-actualizing people calmly and good-naturedly accept the culture in which they live and work daily to improve it. They do not oppose themselves to society and do not try to fight it, they feel part of this society and try to make it better. An act of self-actualization is a certain finite number of actions performed by a subject on the basis of the goals consciously set for himself in the course of self-realization and the developed strategy for achieving them. Each act of self-actualization ends with a specific emotional reaction - a “peak experience”, positive in case of success, and negative (pain, disappointment) in case of failure. A positive result almost always stimulates a specialist to further professional and personal self-improvement, promoting him to the next level of self-actualization. A negative result does not always stimulate specialists to further professional and personal self-improvement; more often it causes a state of disappointment in specialists, a temporary reluctance to set any goals for themselves. In this situation, specialists need psychological support and professional help. Psychological and pedagogical support and the system of continuous education are the main tools for the professional development of specialists, thanks to which professional realization becomes possible, as a component of self-actualization. Every person strives to be happy. The concept of happiness is closely related to the self-actualization of the individual, including professional-creative and family-personal fulfillment. Quantitative changes accumulated over a long period of time through hard work bring an instantaneously manifested new quality, which characterizes itself in the practice of life as a certain social or personal competence. This kind of awareness, complemented by positive assessments from management, colleagues, examiners, and loved ones, brings peak experiences that reflect a state of happiness. Happy is the one who happily goes to work in the morning and happily returns home in the evening! Without touching on the issue of the need for family and personal fulfillment, we will consider the question of when and where to start developing the need for professional development, for professional self-realization. The need for professional self-realization must begin to be developed from early childhood, but this issue becomes especially relevant during the period of study in high school. In educational organizations, the first stage of professional guidance should beis aimed at creating conditions for professional self-determination of high school students. One of the main tasks of psychological and pedagogical support for high school students is the professional assistance of a specialist in building a conscious, justified, clearly and clearly reasoned personal professional plan (PPP). The LPP is built by high school students taking into account the interests, inclinations, abilities, opportunities and needs of the labor market, and includes basic and backup options. The more accurately the LPP is constructed, the greater the likelihood of professional implementation in the future. Determining a young person’s professional vocation is not easy, but this does not mean that one should not try to determine it. The second stage on the path to professional fulfillment is professional development. Young people or people who have completed retraining courses (regardless of biological age), who have received professional theoretical knowledge and minimal practical experience, come to work in the organization and it is very important to create in this organization optimal conditions for the professional adaptation of young specialists. The period of professional adaptation is the starting stage of professional implementation, and how quickly and successfully this stage will pass will depend on how easy or difficult, quickly or slowly young specialists get used to their activities and in the team. Psychological and pedagogical support of young specialists during the adaptation period includes: providing assistance to yourself: translating theoretical knowledge into practical experience, in forming an adequate self-esteem as a specialist and a member of the team, in accepting one’s profession with all its pros and cons. During the adaptation period, young professionals need psychological support, especially during periods of low mood due to professional failures. Unpleasant internal feelings may arise in young specialists due to a feeling of unprofessionalism, incorrect comments from team members, dissatisfaction with the results of their work, detachment from the team, etc. Acceptance of young specialists into the team as equal members of the team and full-fledged employees, but with little experience work is the main condition that contributes to the formation of the need for professional self-realization. Each organization should provide psychological and pedagogical support for young specialists. At the same stage, significant incentives for each specific young specialist should be determined. In the 70-80s, psychological and pedagogical support for young specialists was provided by mentors who provided advice, taught practical skills, helped bring professional ideas to life, defended, supported and petitioned management to stimulate young people, suggested ways of professional development to them, promoted professional self-realization, accompanied on the path to self-actualization. Unfortunately, the experience of mentoring has been lost, and young professionals are not always endowed with the personal qualities that allow them to go through the period of professional adaptation on their own. Many talented young specialists left the profession without even going through the first stage of professional self-realization, without receiving psychological and pedagogical support during this difficult period. The second stage of professional realization has very blurred boundaries; it can begin both at the very beginning of professional adaptation and at its end or after it. The purpose of the second stage of professional self-realization is psychological and pedagogical education, which is aimed at developing the professionally important qualities of a young specialist, at consolidating and improving what was gained during the period of training and adapting practical experience, at stimulating the young person to acquire new knowledge and implement it in his practice activities, to an active life position in general. Administrative and management apparatus: 12.09.2015)
