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One of the most important processes, without which the integration of traumatic experience will not happen, is the bearing of one’s Victim. This process is painful, long and deep, like bearing a child, like the formation of a butterfly in a cocoon, like the formation of a chick in an egg. He is mysterious, requiring careful treatment. When recovery occurs, we touch the Karpman triangle, it is based on trauma, the trauma is carried by the Victim and is waiting to be found, accepted for who she is. I don’t know if everyone needs to go into this acquaintance, but I know for sure that this journey requires resources, patience, humility. It took me 10 years to work with injuries and I can’t say that I have completed the Path, each time I realize it in a new way, I learn to interact with the body, because the body really remembers everything. How does bearing a Victim happen? This only happens next to another person, with a guide (psychologist, psychotherapist) who knows this Path. Don't be afraid, look for a psychologist and go into this experience. In contact with another, the path to the Victim is gradually traced, feelings can be different, love and sympathy do not always arise, there is hatred, anger, I want to say get away, I’m so tired of you. This is part of the Path. It is important to tell your story, create consistency, the psyche needs this, it has been in chaos for too long. At some point a meeting occurs, it always hurts. The next stage begins - habituation, adaptation, preparation for gestation and at the same time separation from the Victim. This is where the first acceptance of your important part occurs. Acceptance starts gestation - “I will always be with you, you are not alone,” “what do you need?” This is a conversation with yourself, which fills you from the inside, creates an inner life. Bearing is constant contact with the Victim, rehabilitation, care, like nursing a premature baby. The victim has little strength, is exhausted and is stuck in helplessness. She has no resources, or very few of them and is only enough for survival, so separation allows the Victim to relax and give responsibility for life to the Adult part (this part also needs to be raised). Usually the processes of growing and gestation go on in parallel for several years. I would like to say about kickbacks to the Sacrifice. They will inevitably happen, that's normal. Gestation does not mean that you will no longer fall into the state of Victim. This means that there will be more contact with yourself, with the body, gradually it will be easier to realize the transition into the victim state, which means it will be easier and faster to get out of it, therefore more strength for life and less helplessness, impotence. How do you feel about the victim? Is it difficult to get out of this state??
