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It is known that people speak differently in different circumstances. A young office worker will speak in one tone to his boss, in a different tone to his wife when she asks him to take out the trash upon returning from work, and again in a different tone to his son who has spilled juice. on his freshly ironed suit before he left for work. With these different experiences, not only the tone of his voice changes: his facial expression, feelings, actions and thoughts change. At any given moment in time, an individual exists in one of three basic states, called ego states. The ego state determines how a person thinks, feels and behaves at that moment. The three Ego states in which any person can be are called Parent, Adult and Child. Regardless of age, each person can exist in one of three Ego states. The Parental Ego state is essentially copied from the original parents or authority figures. When a person is in the parental ego state, he sometimes displays the caring and affectionate properties of his true parents, and in other cases the punitive attitudes of dishonesty or prejudice of the parents. The adult ego state is essentially nothing more than a computing machine. This is the rational and logical part of the personality, primarily engaged in data processing, like a large computer; feeling and emotions, therefore, have no relationship with an adult. We see an adult when a scientist presents his findings to his colleagues, or when a housewife examines her utility bill. An adult is someone who works. The mental process required for a carpenter to hammer a nail is the responsibility of an adult. But when he misses and hurts his finger, the adult gives way to another ego state. However, it is not always best to be in an adult ego state; at parties, this state is in most cases painful. The ego state, called a child, is a part of the personality that has been preserved from genuine childhood. Children can be capricious or sweet, very happy or very unhappy, stubborn or pliable, and every person, regardless of their chronological age, can have the same thoughts and feelings and behave in the same way as they once did in childhood. Children are capable of going beyond unnecessary or meaningless social conventions and do not like to waste time on comprehensive logical calculations. The state is characterized by spontaneity, intuition and creativity. Older people begin to experience experiences similar to those of children if they have intuition. We can say that a person who shows intuition is a child. Children seem to derive genuine pleasure from life, and people who often experience joy have a very active childhood ego state. These three ego states are said to make up the structure of the personality. This is usually the initial stage of Transactional Analysis. The most interesting thing begins when two people in different ego states find themselves together.
