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From the author: Each season, spent closer to natural rhythms, provides a comfortable transition to the next season. What are we talking about? People who live closer to nature go to bed with the sun, and with the sun get up. In winter, we city dwellers very often try to maintain the rhythm that we had in summer and autumn. It turns out that the sun set at 4-5 o'clock in the evening, and we are active until 23-24:00. Yes, we are used to this, although this path is rather destructive. How to adapt yourself to changes in the spring? Streams are babbling, Rooks are screaming And the snow is melting and The heart melts And even the stump On an April day M. Volpin dreams of becoming a birch tree again A playful ray breaks through the curtains and looks under the eyelashes. Noooo. Sleep. Where again... The sun, we need to at least get outside. And my head is like a compass, and in general the atmospheric column somehow presses harder and harder... This is the long-awaited spring. And where is the long-awaited joy..? Spring transformations. If possible, cancel rush jobs and “night vigils.” Sleep more. Ideally, during the day, find an opportunity to be in peace and quiet for at least 5-7 minutes. If you have the opportunity to sleep for 10 minutes, this will be the most beneficial moment, although I understand the difficulty for office workers. One of my friends closed herself for 5-10 minutes in the meeting room for an afternoon nap :) Drink more fluids (in addition to other teas and juices + 1, 5-2 liters of water). Gently get involved in the work day - start with “stretches” :) - in the morning, before opening your eyes, stretch your whole body, find your most “tasty” movements, yawn, slowly move your joints - hands, elbows, shoulders, knees, feet, turn your head from side to side. In this way, you will gently “launch” your body from a physical and energetic point of view, preparing you for the working day. In general, train yourself to get up slowly and smoothly (jumping out of bed in one jump is not the best way to start the day, I often observed from my friends how in one jump got up after sleep). The body was in a relaxed state for several hours. Muscles, joints, and spine are in a soft, inert state. Therefore, you need to get up smoothly and gradually, through turning on your side and consistently lowering your legs. Let's learn from pregnant women - they do it intuitively correctly :) Vitamin deficiency... Food! Diet? Spring vitamin deficiency - proven and confirmed by science. It is already known and confirmed by science that vitamin deficiency occurs in the spring. We will omit the reasons, the consequences are known to everyone - lethargy, weakness, drowsiness, decreased immunity, a tendency to a melancholy state, poor condition of hair, skin... We include fruits, onions, garlic, porridge in the diet (please note, they will only be useful without sugar, fruits and on water, otherwise they will ferment in the intestines), sauerkraut, bran bread. We use natural immunomodulators. Traditional medicine offers the following plants: ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, clover, dandelion, garlic, thistle, St. John's wort, bryonia, anise, geranium, chamomile, plantain, aloe, coltsfoot, mullein, licorice and nettle. Rose hips are both healthy and tasty! :) How to use these herbs - read on the pharmacy packages (if SUDDENLY (!) you collected them yourself and there is no recipe - write to me, I will give recommendations :)). Read the contraindications on the packaging and use the infusions for no more than 14 days. You can drink rose hips all winter long. Tasty and healthy (especially if there is a child in the family who doesn’t like vitamin pills): Vitamin composition: 200 grams of dried apricots + 200 grams of raisins, optional prunes, 3-4 lemons, 1 glass of shelled walnuts, half a glass of honey . Grind dried apricots, raisins, nuts in a meat grinder, scald lemons with boiling water, remove the seeds and grind in a meat grinder. Add honey to this mixture and mix well, put in a jar. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. Children should be given 1 dessert spoon every day on an empty stomach and before meals (at least half an hour before). Adults: one tablespoon three times a day. Sooo delicious! :)Since fruits and vegetables have not contained the required amount of vitamins and microelements for a long time, choose the ones that suit you best.
