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Nowadays, a flash mob using the tag #10yearchallenge is relevant on all social networks. People post their photos 10 years ago and now. Someone with the goal of getting likes and participating in the general wave, I suggest looking deeper and analyzing the changes in your life over these 10 years. This can be useful in that it will allow you to appropriate the experience gained over the years, trace your development path, draw conclusions and look at your life from the outside. I suggest answering the following questions: 1. What happened in your life during these 10 years? (you can use a list directly)2. What helped you achieve positive results? (for example, some events of these 10 years were difficult for me and the support of my loved ones helped me; you can directly write down which ones so that you know who to turn to next time)2. What experience can you take away from the negative events of these years? (for example, I have had various health problems during this time and I find it important to pay more attention and take care of my body)3. How have your views on life changed during this time? (you can directly by industry: relationships (family, friends), work, hobbies, self-development, health, home (life, living conditions), you can indicate your own)4. What would you wish for yourself for the next 10 years? In order to look more deeply and find out answers that do not immediately come to mind, you can use work with metaphorical associative cards. For example, you can use this deck: http://symbolon.su/simbolon Or, perhaps, you have a deck from the game Dixit at home, it will also work well. You can also simply use a free image search on the Internet. If you ask a question, I suggest this: “What is the main change that has happened to me in 10 years?” You pull it out open (see which card is recalled the most) or closed (you randomly pull it out or select the card number). And then you carefully examine the card, what you see on it, what feelings it evokes in you, thoughts, how it can help answer your question. This procedure can be carried out several times. And also ask any question that interests or worries you, for example: “What main lesson can I learn from these 10 years of life?”, listen to yourself, ask questions and find answers to them. 10 years is a long time during which global changes in life can be traced; it seems to me that it can also be useful to track changes over shorter periods of time, in which we can take an example from the famous clown Vyacheslav Polunin: “I have a law - it’s called “legs.” in water". Every three to five years you should sit on the bank of the river, put your feet in the water, do nothing, sit and think: what have you done over the years? For what? Was it necessary to do this? Where are you going? Every three to five years you need to wind down. Update, you know? Walking along the same road all the time is boring, uninteresting, and wrong. The horror of repetition: I already sat here, lay here, drank with this, ate with this, danced with this. Impossible. In a word, you must audit yourself: are you happy or not. This self-control is a regular, mandatory procedure. Like washing. And if you feel the itch of misfortune on your body, it must be eliminated. That is, you need to understand what exactly and where is wrong, this time. And finding the strength to take a step out of this place is two things. And this is always very painful. It's very difficult. And absolutely necessary.”What question would you ask about your past 10 years? I wish you insights and interesting self-analysis.=)
