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I would like to share my experience, the experience of my friends and clients in the matter of finding a psychologist, working with whom would bring the desired result. Many come to a psychologist in a moment of despair or when they already feel that they themselves cannot cope with their experiences or understand their life situation. Most often I hear: “I came for help, but came out with nothing. They asked me around, nodded, took the money and told me to come back in a week.” And this, on the whole, is not the worst outcome of a trip to a psychologist. It also happened that people talked about being criticized, labeled and driven into an even worse state than the one in which they arrived. I myself once came across the fact that a psychologist said that I had messed up a lot and would really regret what I did, because many would dream of being in my place. And he advised me to fix everything immediately, otherwise everything would be very bad... I left the consultation, to put it mildly, confused. And the next time I turned to a psychologist only after a long time. What I regret now... From all my experience and the experience of those people who shared with me the features of their search, I made the following conclusions for myself: 1. Diplomas and “promotion” of a specialist are not a guarantee that this person will help you. But, of course, the person who provides psychological assistance must have a confirmed diploma as a psychologist, otherwise it will be kitchen gatherings or just intuitive, unsystematic something.2. The fact that a psychologist helped someone you know is a good sign! But this does not guarantee that this specialist will suit you. Indeed, in addition to professionalism in this area, the simple human factor is also important: the pace of speech, style, approach in which a person works. 3. If you leave the consultation with the feeling that everything is worse than you thought and you have insoluble problems, this is not your specialist and it’s definitely not worth wasting your time here.4. If you received advice on how to live further, to whom and what to say, how to act - it was not a psychologist! A mentor, a coach, just a person who knows how to live correctly, but definitely not a psychologist!5. If a psychologist insists and “forces” you to come to him, arguing that only he can help you, this is a bad sign! After all, the specialist knows that responsibility for your results and progress lies not only with him, but also with you. And the belief that he can help you in any mood is wrong! These are markers that you should pay attention to when meeting with a specialist! None of them are a death sentence, and the most important thing, of course, is to listen to yourself and answer the question: do I still want to come to this specialist? And why? Everyone who said that they had found “their” specialist said something like the following: 1. I got the feeling that I was understood and accepted and here I could talk about absolutely everything!2. After our meetings/Skype consultations, I felt at least a little better.3. I wanted to go to the next meeting and I understood that the work was going on and I was getting something that, perhaps, without the help of a specialist, I would not have achieved on my own.4. My problems no longer seemed so insoluble to me and I began to feel that I could cope, figure it out, improve the quality of my life. And I really want to support those who go to specialists with the determination to solve their problem and make their life better! After all, if you have a toothache or stomach ache, don’t you expect it to go away on its own and go to the doctor? And you are looking for that specialist who will help you! It's pretty much the same here! And don’t despair if you haven’t met “your” psychologist on the first or even not the first try. This is normal and completely natural and natural! But when you find a person who can help you, you will thank yourself for taking care of yourself and not dwelling on failures! Good luck to you in taking care of yourself and the quality of your life!!!
