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A person’s professional space is not always joyful, resourceful and nourishing. This space for the majority of the population averages 1800 hours per year. In order to avoid professional burnout, emotional exhaustion, loss of strength, tension and lethargy of the body, it is important to notice them and compensate for the time spent on professional activities with things that contribute to health, well-being and pleasure. Due to my professional work, I am faced with a complex area of ​​​​client experience and their difficulties and am at risk of professional burnout, emotional exhaustion. One of the following ways helps me achieve a balance between work and maintaining health and well-being: thirty minutes a day of solitude, do not look, do not listen, do not talk, do not do anything, especially leaders; walks in nature; communication with nourishing and supportive people; hobbies and creativity; recreational activities; procedures that relax your body; sports and recreational activity; feeling yourself and releasing tension in the body; and everything that will support your breathing, your movement and life in your body. Without awareness of your feelings, breathing and sensations in the body, a person deprives himself of the joy of life. Chronic stress constrains the body and it loses its spontaneity and looks dull, lethargic and lifeless. Such tension is often caused by a static body, work space and limitations in self-expression. So, it is important to devote at least 1800 hours a year to everything that brings health, well-being, relaxation and pleasure exclusively for yourself. Choose health and well-being where possible and with those you can with, outside of the workspace. Listen to yourself, the body often signals its condition. Feelings influence thoughts and body, thoughts influence feelings and body, body influences feelings and thoughts, since everything is interconnected in human nature. Psychologist, Gestalt practitioner, body therapist Natalya Filippova
