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I am often asked the question: “Alexander, how do you, as a psychologist, believe in esotericism and still use it in working with clients?” And I always answer: “easily and naturally, t “I consider esotericism a unique knowledge base that perfectly complements my psychological arsenal.” And today I want to tell you what exactly I use when working with clients and in what cases. I will not talk about all my esoteric knowledge, because it is very extensive and not everything will be interesting to you. Obviously, Reiki and Cosmoenergetics are not something that a modern psychologist would believe in, so I will give an example using a rather harmless esoteric technology - numerology! I am a trainer in numerology of the new era (the “Ideal” system) and I consider this tool unique in the work of a psychologist. To begin with, I will tell you a little about what numerology is. Numerology is a science that has been used for more than 1000 years by various specialists in working with people, with requests of varying complexity. The consultation is based on the date of birth, through a special formula called the “Pythagorean square” and based on specific combinations of numbers, in different quantities, we can draw some conclusions about the character of a person, his inclinations, predisposition to diseases, talents, etc. When A person makes an appointment with me, I draw up an individual card for him, in which the items full name, telephone, mail and a number of other parameters are written in a standard way (I think that each of you has a similar form) and before the meeting I draw up an individual numerological portrait person. And this really helps a lot when working with a person, because I begin to understand where I need to place emphasis, what to focus on and what to ask. I am sure that many of you have now begun to think whether all of these are my projections and maybe I am simply persuading a person to give answers that are favorable to me? To dispel your doubts, I am ready to work with any of you in the mode of a classic numerologist and tell you, according to your date of birth, all your features, without even seeing you or listening to your voice. After my answer, you will have the feeling that we have known each other for a long time. If a person comes to me with psychosomatic disorders, I look at the number of units in his formula, because they are responsible for fantasies, far-fetched fears, and destructive thoughts. If a person comes to me with a complaint about constant injuries and, as a result, filled with fear of another injury, I check the number of twos in the formula, because people with no twos are prohibited from strength training, and this person is engaged in powerlifting. And so on for each number up to nines. And the interesting thing is that numerology can complement any classical method and approach. It is very simple to use and takes 10 minutes to calculate by date of birth. She is also excellent in family counseling, when a couple comes, I lay out their dates of birth and see complete incompatibility or partial compatibility, and there are couples where compatibility is basically impossible. Let's say people with a large number of fives are very prone to tenderness, affection, heartfelt love and affection, especially if these fives also have support in the form of a pair of three. But a person does not have fives at all, but there are several fours and sixes in the formula, and then an obvious incompatibility becomes noticeable, because people with sixes and fours go through life with logic and constructiveness, limiting those around them in many things. And it’s simply not possible to talk about the compatibility of a woman with A’s and C’s, who literally breathes romance and miracles, with a person of cold calculation, constructive thoughts and a number of restrictions. Of course, we look for options, see what can be done, but usually everything leads to the sacrifice of one of the participants and life becomes even more unbearable. So, very briefly, I told you how an esoteric tool can be used in the work of a psychologist. And there are many such examples!
