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Let me ask you one question. Do you think you're safe in your 30s or 40s from waking up one morning and realizing that you don't want to go to work at all? From the fact that a little worm in your head will arise the thought: “Is this what I’m doing now?” And it doesn’t matter at all who you are, whether you are a “Diver” who has honed his professional skills over a good ten years of doing the same job, or whether you are the same “Surfer” who famously glides through the waves of a variety of professions and specialties. At the celebration of life, when you catch yourself thinking this way, the answer will be on a piece of paper in a cookie with a surprise, where it will be written: “Bro, it seems that you are experiencing professional burnout...”. There are a large number of articles on this subject, relating to the characteristics of professional burnout; in my article I would like to consider this topic precisely through the prism of dividing people into “Divers” and “Surfers” (more details about this division are written in the first part of this article, from which you can read here: https://www.b17.ru/article/411733/ ). I would like to make a reservation right away that, just as in the case of different temperaments, there are no pure choleric / phlegmatic / sanguine / melancholic people; as a rule, we will always talk about some proportions of certain types. Those who still do not believe that this is really the case can take the Belov test (link to the test: https://psytests.org/typo/belov.html) and see for themselves. In each of us, in the same different proportions, there will be both “Diver” and “Surfer”. As mentioned earlier, this percentage ratio, as a rule, is set by events and factors from childhood, and in the process of further ontogenesis (individual development) it is extremely difficult to change. If we rely on general ideas about the structure of personality, it may include the following 4 substructures: - personality orientation; - experience; - individual characteristics of mental processes; - biopsychic properties. As can be seen, absolutely each of the mentioned substructures will contribute one or another part to our proportion. In the case of considering the main symptoms by which professional burnout can be diagnosed, the following main ones are identified: markers such as: - mental exhaustion; - depersonalization; - devaluation of one’s own achievements. Taking a closer look at mental exhaustion, its core can be called the level of stress. The larger and longer it is, the earlier you can observe signs of mental exhaustion. In the case of a “Surfer” who works no more than a couple of years at one job, we can talk more about short-term high-level stress, while for “Divers” the stress can be cumulative and protracted over many years. As a rule, due to their short stay in one job, “Surfers” will be less susceptible to prolonged stress, while for “Divers” this factor may be the underlying cause of professional burnout. All this will be expressed in a feeling of emotional overstrain, a feeling of emptiness, depletion of emotional resources, while there will be a feeling of “muffled” emotions, and in especially severe manifestations, emotional breakdowns are not excluded. Depersonalization, at the same time, is an equally destructive factor . We are talking about the tendency to form a negative, callous and cynical attitude towards colleagues and clients, and, as a result, the emergence of conflict situations. It is difficult to say who has greater tolerance to this factor, due to the need to take into account the personal characteristics of a person. However, given the fact that staying in one job for a long time requires special patience and building more friendly relationships with colleagues (from a strategic point of view), “Divers” will be less susceptible to this factor. If we talk about devaluing their own achievements, it is worth saying that this can be expressed: +7 988 973 72 62
