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Our body is everything we have in our life. It is intelligent, it teaches us about life here on planet Earth. By leaving it, we will end our existence. The body tells you how to act in life situations. It's a pity that we don't always know how to hear it. Everything has its cycles. Like breathing (inhale-exhale-pause), our life is filled with moments when we prepare for something, then we do it and then comprehend it. A parallel is appropriate here: Inhalation - goal setting At this stage, our desires and goals are clarified. We decide where we want to go and how we will achieve the goal. Approximate deadlines are determined (when we want to achieve what we want). Often this decision is lightning fast, and sometimes it takes years. Exhalation is the action itself. What we do, undertake (note, we don’t say, write, but do, act, convey to others) This can be a whole built system of actions or just one tiny step. The time of this stage may not last long, or it may occupy a huge part of life’s journey. Pause - rethinking / gratitude for the experience This is the moment when we can draw conclusions; when we can thank (regardless of our experiences) ourselves, others, the world for what happened. This is a time of silence, when new desires and strategies for achieving them have not yet been manifested. This stage can become a moment of rethinking. The main thing is that it does not drag on. Often, a midlife crisis is marked by this pause. We are trying to figure it out, to answer the questions raised by our entire previous life: Who am I? Who's next to me? How can I be useful to this world? What do I want from life? What is the world like for me? Do I like what I live? Am I happy with who I have become? What would I like to add to my existence? We decide what to do next and where to move. I encourage you to consider your life from this point of view, inhale-exhale-pause, and notice which stages have already ended, what is waiting in the wings, and what needs to be rethought After all, all the events of the future are laid in the pause between worlds. And the more grateful we are, the more favorable the world is to us..
