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What is it, to feel, think and act with the whole body? Look and feel. Notice how the actions of others, when you look at them, respond to the tone of your muscles. This sense of the reality of one’s own body is especially developed among athletes, for whom movement and work of the whole body is a central way of being, thinking and acting. We provide examples of videos of the best athletes in competitions. Can you jump in over your head and join this way of thinking of champions. You can. You simply did not develop this thinking, you blocked this internal activity. What does this lack of response look like? Make your choice. My daughter suggested that her classmate with cerebral palsy remove her spasticity, but she refused. To her, this simple connection with her body seemed impossible. As a child, action thinking was the basis of your thinking. You did not think abstractly, but very specifically - with your whole body. This happened even before birth, and already in the womb you were moving in response to the resonances that arose in you. I discovered this for myself when our friend and colleague turned our future daughter from transverse diligence. Before birth, such resonant reactions of the muscles of your body were already established. Children from the very beginning think with their bodies and understand movements better than words. The children in the kindergarten group were drawn with chalk, dividing the hall into two halves, gathered in one half and told not to enter the other. A few minutes later they all found themselves in the forbidden half - their legs went there on their own. Now look at the best examples of the development of such thinking, how our figure skaters, when performing in competitions, feel and think with their whole bodies. Track and do not stop the resonances of your muscle tone that arise in response, the internal process of activating reflected movement, reflection in the brain and body, and carry out these elements of thinking with movement in resonance with them. Why do you need this? To think in your own states and solve problems related to them. Such exercises are the alphabet of states from which you can build your words and texts. You don't need to become figure skating masters, but you need to learn from them their inner connection with the body. This is the beginning of compiling your alphabet.
