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“My husband wants anal sex. And I know for sure that I don’t like it, but I give in because I’m afraid that otherwise he will leave for someone else.” From all sides they are trumpeting about anal sex as a symbol of looseness, mega-pleasant sensations and one of the ways to get an orgasm. Who wouldn’t wants to be a goddess of sex? And there is no clear point of view among sexologists. One camp advocates GIVING, others advocate PROTECTING your ass. My point of view does not claim to be true, read and forget if you do not agree with it. Why do people have anal sex ?It depends from the position of whom to answer this question. A man, brought up on porn and imbibed his sexual beliefs through masturbation, will strive to satisfy his fantasies in reality. The actresses in these films convincingly demonstrate desire and admiration for the powerful phallus, which hammers poop somewhere to her with a jackhammer. under my throat. Hearing these “cries of pleasure,” my poor sphincter contracts in fear, trying to stick together forever. But the man believes! Arms, legs, most importantly the tail! Clitoral, vaginal, most importantly anal! And he is very surprised why the lady is not happy with this gift. The woman goes for anal sex for two reasons: she gives in to the man or hopes to get an orgasm. If a woman has a good vaginal orgasm, she is unlikely to strive for anal orgasm. The need is satisfied. Any other opinions? Share in the comment below. The anus is not designed for the insertion of a foreign object. The anus muscle is very strong. Its task: to contain feces and gases. If a muscle is constantly massaged, relaxed, or expanded, this can lead to injury and incontinence. In addition, E. coli, which is present in every body, if it gets on the genitals, can lead to inflammation: prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, etc. “Anal sex for me is an opportunity to get different sensations. My penis feels like it is grasping something elastic, strong, the sensitivity is much higher. With the vaginal one, this is not the case, it’s more free there.” Remember, girls, forever: it’s not your wide vagina, it’s the problem with potency. The anal sphincter is stronger than the entrance to the vagina. But with constant anal intercourse, the anal ring relaxes and, in the end, its compression force becomes the same as the vagina with all the ensuing consequences (incontinence of feces and gases). During anal sex, grab the penis, creating the effect of his hands when masturbation, the sphincter is forced from pain. And this is your body's signal that it is being violated. Under no circumstances use lubricants with an analgesic effect in this type of sex, you risk missing the threshold of the point of no return and getting injured. If a man really lacks sensitivity, let him help himself with his hands. Well, or you wrap your fingers around the penis at the base into a ring. The effect of tight compression will be the same. The paradox is that fingers instead of the anal sphincter are not suitable for a man. So it’s not a matter of elasticity, but a matter of psychology? “If you give me your ass, I will understand that you trust and love me. I’m ready to give all of myself.” Please note, the man is blackmailing you and manipulating you, setting conditions. This is his own complex, not your problem. If he puts the question bluntly, let him give his anus for a strap-on and show by example how to express trust. First, the man wins you in every possible way: he rejoices at the first kiss, stunned and excitedly touches his breasts, in ecstasy reaches the sex stage, enjoys your vagina, then begins talking about a higher level of trust is oral contact. He tries the edge of permissibility over and over again, expanding the boundaries. The question of raising anal sex is inevitable. He is not risking anything here; in this situation, women’s health is at stake. And it’s good if they don’t exist, but if it happens, who will be left alone with their illness? Please note, he has the possibility of other sex, but he wants anal sex. If a man knows that you are against it, but still insists, what is more important to him??
