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I was going to write about Anna Galak, a participant in the haiku competition, as part of a series of notes about colleagues. I love Anechka very much, we have known each other for a long time. But for some reason I wanted to consider the associative plans of such an ancient and fabulously beautiful name - Anna. Anna - “grace,” many women in the world bear this name, and in all countries, among many peoples. Anna is a prophetess and the mother of the Virgin Mary. But at the same time, Anna Karenina, my favorite heroine. Different plans, different images. We have Annas in our family, and many of my friends bear this beautiful name. This is the haiku Anechka wrote in a recent flash mob: “I study all day. Your image is nearby. A bridge between parts of the world.” Perhaps the name Anna is associated with just these concepts: learning, knowledge, imaginative perception of life, and (oddly enough) bridge. Bridges in general are always fascinating. They are between joy and sadness, happiness and pain. And isn’t this very purple, proud ancient name like a banner of victory fluttering on a bridge over which the cavalry has just passed! It takes a lot of wisdom, inner strength, and inner fire to step onto the bridge of new opportunities. This is exactly what simple girls from the people did, who later became queens. Yes, here it is - the exact answer to the meaning of this proud name - Queen! It is truly royal, in gold and rubies, in a crown of firmness, will, and at the same time, tenderness. The name Anna corresponds to the deep archetypal ideas of many people. That's probably why it's so popular. Who wouldn't want his daughter to bear the name of ancient kings and saints? It seems to protect, cover like an invisible cover, give wisdom and the gift of foresight. Take a closer look at the women next to you who bear the name Anna, and you will understand a lot. You will discover beauty and vulnerability, but also wisdom, firmness, a clear mind. Definitely, a lot in his life depends on what the child is named. It is as if the synchronous field of meanings inherent in the name is being transmitted to him. And this truly royal name, Anna, is worth a lot! *All coincidences in the article are random, real facts and events have been changed.© Bogdanova Anzhelika, 2020. All rights reserved.INSTGR_LINK Yandex Zen: Little Cactus WhatsAp, Viber, Telegram 89803928667© Quoting/copying this article (or part of it) is permitted with the obligatory indication of the author and source of citation
