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Nobody teaches women to understand what they themselves want. But they are taught to be flexible and obedient. What is right and what is wrong. Shut your mouth in time. After all, they are getting married. “And with a bad character, it will be difficult for you to find a husband. And without a husband it is difficult. Your husband is your support. This is your guarantee against difficult situations. This is your guarantee against financial insolvency. And professional incompetence. And in society, a woman commands more respect with her husband.” And also: “If you don’t have a man, then you have a bad character. You are ugly. There’s something wrong with you!” A woman absorbs these attitudes with “mother’s milk.” And what happens in the end? Many women do not notice that they can be successful, happy, professional, and financially stable. That they can pay for their own housing. Raise children. Make important decisions where necessary. And they can do a lot more! But the idea that a woman without a man is “under-woman”, “a man is a support for a woman” decides everything! And a woman suffers all the dissatisfaction of life with a partner. All his whims. Limitations on your freedom. The decisions made are not in his favor, because it is more convenient for him. Lack of sex. Treason. Beatings. Humiliation. Drunkenness. Lack of help around the house, “because he’s tired from work...” When it comes to sex, he generally forgets about himself, as long as he feels good. The main thing is not to cheat. For what, my dears? Think about it! Sacrifice yourself for the dubious image of a married woman...? And continue to be a good girl, as your mother taught? How do you feel about this? Are you tired of multitasking? We talked a lot about this topic last week at school. And the girls who spoke little about it feel happy. On the contrary, there is a constant feeling of exhaustion, burnout. The fact is that where you forget about yourself and your needs, there is always burnout. And if it has not yet come to you, then it is absolutely not necessary that you will not meet with him. And what messages did your relatives convey to you about men? Your Psychologist-Sexologist Ekaterina Ivanova You can make an appointment with me at the telephone number indicated below at any convenient location for you messenger👇☎+79191191791
