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- What are you afraid of? - Darkness and psychologists.. - Well, psychologists are understandable! Why the darkness? - You never know how many psychologists there are in it!?! No matter what, there is always a chance to find a good psychologist. Personally, I absolutely don’t care whether this specialist has numerous certificates in incomprehensible languages, from which he creates an exhibition in his office to compensate for his inferiority complex, or whether he has a modest diploma of higher education (and only full-time), because it is impossible to become a psychologist in absentia without the Divine blessings. As a rule, an important criterion for choosing a specialist should be practice and only practice. And not only psychological profile. Medical practice, any kind will do. Working with people in groups. One on one work. Any work with people where a person will be required to have good and working psychological knowledge that actually solves practical problems. Among my colleagues there are a lot of complete ignoramuses in psychology, despite the fact that they, like me, wasted five years of their lives and graduated from universities. And how many people buy diplomas as psychologists... it’s scary to imagine, and why. In my opinion, a psychologist should have amazing qualities, preferably be a superman. And I’m absolutely not kidding. Firstly, a psychologist needs a medical base. Without medical education, specialists like to waste a lot of diseases of an endogenous nature, and in general I’m bored talking with a specialist who doesn’t know what magiphrenia is. When working with people, one way or another, you come across medicine. It is simply impossible to ignore this topic, especially since who other than a psychologist should know everything about the pseudodiagnoses and hypochondriacal moods of his clients who are not advanced in medicine. Who else but a psychologist should be the mouthpiece of adequacy and the litmus test of sanity among the chaos of crazy ideas and false ideas about everything in the world. In fact, it is the psychologist and no one else. Personally, I have a strict selection process for specialists. Psychologists working with psychosomatics, like me, for example, simply need to know anatomy, physiology and all sorts of medical wisdom. The Internet and good medical specialists who will become teachers for you can help you with this. Disclaimer, you should look for TEXTBOOKS on the Internet! And research. And not incomprehensible notes about the miracle Goji berries. Lol. Sometimes from the lips of society you hear statements like “you’re not a doctor,” checkmate. So I’m not suggesting you do an operation, but only tell me reliable data about this or that disease, if I figured it out myself. For example, say that there is no such diagnosis as “osteochondrosis” or “dysbacteriosis”, and this, in fact, will help you understand the true cause of the disease, or even start looking for it. Well, for complete relief of conscience, I can say that about 20% of paid medical clinics in Moscow employ doctors who have bought diplomas and treat gullible idiots of clients with badami and bullshit. They are not afraid of ruining their karma and easily rob the contingent who doubt their sanity to the bone. One such doctor advised my client, along with an unrealistic set of frank dietary supplements, to use cucumber to treat chronic prostatitis. How exactly, you should guess for yourself. The second thing a psychologist should have is a lively mind, without this characteristic, a person 5 years after university becomes a tin can, when opened, the apartment begins to smell unpleasant, and after ten years such a can is completely It's better not to open it. It is possible to maintain a living mind only with strict spiritual asceticism and internal work on oneself. In principle, this can be done not only by psychologists, and, in an amicable way, should be done by everyone who does not want to die from the boredom of vascular dementia. If your specialist is an easy-going and adequate person, capable of analysis, does not fall into tremors from the word “yoga” and knows what a “meme” is, then it’s not bad. The third and main thing a psychologist needs is persistentwork on yourself. You cannot study psychology based on theory from textbooks, no matter how expensive and fashionable they are. You cannot learn what you need to understand. In a good way, a psychologist is a Teacher. This is not just a specialist who is visited a couple of times in order to get an answer that is already obvious to everyone. A psychologist is your personal Teacher, as I already said, almost a superman. He works hard and knows a lot. He sees what others cannot see. He says what others cannot even articulate. In order to become such a Teacher, you need to become your own master, i.e. realize yourself internally to the maximum. Realize your inner Darkness, suppressed fears and desires. Only after this, constantly continuing your growth, should you begin to work with people. Otherwise, neither we, nor you, nor good people will actually get better. In order to get at least somehow closer to an acceptable level of understanding of people, oneself and the laws of psychology, one should undergo training under the guidance of a highly advanced human Master in this topic. It is through personal and group work under the guidance of a person of a high level of development that you grow and gain the necessary experience and understanding. To achieve a high level of awareness on your own and become capable of helping others is virtually impossible and is the lot of God’s chosen specialists, with a gallery of diplomas, see the beginning of the article. There is an opinion that everyone is their own psychologist. A friend of mine once said to me: “I know about the psyche and the ego and I can figure it out myself.” It's funny. And it sounds like: “I can put iodine on my finger - it looks like I’m a doctor” or “I’m watering the tangerine tree on my windowsill - it looks like I’m an agronomist.” In fact, you have no idea what to do with the psyche, the ego and the inferiority complex, from which, by the way, compensatory statements like those above come. And reading literature on psychology not only does not help, but in general almost always confuses the internal situation in such a way that “Lord forgive me” only becomes more difficult to understand. And this is not only because bookstores are filled with outright nonsense from the realm of psycho-conjectures of pickup trucks and teachers from schools of bitches. And also because your perception is ALREADY conditioned, and even if you get a good book in your hands, you will selectively take from it only what you thought was necessary. And you will ignore what can really move you. Chat with friends if you have them and ask them how they perceived this or that movie or book. You will be surprised, but everyone perceives them differently and sometimes the assessments are directly opposite. Everyone has their own conditioning... The fourth principle of a psychologist’s work is to use both the MIND and the BODY in work! The fact that millions of bacteria live in the body is a long-known fact and this will not surprise anyone. But the fact that our mortal, beautiful body is filled with a huge amount of psycho-emotional stress, for many, turns out to be a discovery worthy of a Nobel Prize. And the fact that through working with the body one can change the state of mind seems incomprehensible to many. And everything that is not clear should be denied! This is how many psychologists work, spending many minutes and hours of their lives in empty chatter about everything in the world, not realizing that the problem could be eliminated using body-oriented therapy techniques and, for example, relaxing the client’s overstrained stomach. On the other hand, there are those who are ready to work the body to the point of exhaustion through yoga or the gym, and at the same time they do not deal with the head and psyche. In both the first and second cases, the work will be incomplete, since one of the parties will be ignored. It is important to remember the basic principle on which our world is built: “Everything that exists is in vain” “Everything is connected.” The fifth and, perhaps, the last principle for today is honesty. Unexpected, right? It is honesty with the client and honesty with oneself that can work wonders. More than once I have seen situations where a psychologist did not tell the truth to his clients, maintaining their diplomatic vacuum.))
