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Anger always has a reason, But rarely is it good enough. Benjamin Franklin. Winter is ending. Everyone is already tired of the cold and little sun. And sometimes there are not enough vitamins. In general, there are many factors that do not contribute to a good mood. And since we are not alone in this mood, when entering public transport in the morning, there is a very high probability of running into an equally irritated fellow traveler. There are not many examples of scandals in public transport that arise almost out of nowhere. “Where are you going?” “Look, she sat down on two seats, grew herself...!”, “Didn’t you hear what I told you? You need to clean your ears!” Etc. and so on. Unpleasant? Still would! After such conflicts, if anyone's mood improves, it is the one who started this scandal. Satisfied with the result, he moves on, and you come to work, and instead of getting involved in the work process, you scroll through different scenarios in your head. Most likely, I will not be mistaken if I assume that insidious plans for revenge are running through your head or you are replaying the best scenario of the past conflict “it was necessary to say so, or not, it’s better this way!” And it’s even better like this, then he will apologize to me for life and warn everyone not to mess with me.” And as soon as you find the best way to get out of this morning incident, and a satisfied smile spreads on your face, an angry boss appears next to you, who is also a person, and vitamin deficiency and the cold have done their dirty work with him. And then it turns out that it’s already the end of the working day, you spent it all on plans for revenge, but the boss is not at all interested in this. What you hear from him depends on the individual characteristics of your boss, but most likely you are unlikely to hear pleasant words. You return home by the same public transport, full of people whose mood leaves much to be desired. When you come home, your only desire is to crawl under the covers, turn on the TV, and watch your favorite series in order to somehow disconnect from the problems of the past day. And if you live alone, then this option will work for you. And if at home you are greeted by children, schoolchildren, who had a bad time at school, and a spouse who also has something to share? And everyone wants love and care! Do you have any strength left? No? Where did you spend it, remember? To fruitless plans for belated revenge, or something like that. And the eternal question arises: “What to do?” So, tips for maintaining a normal mood during this period. Start taking vitamins. Consult your doctor and choose the ones that suit you and your entire family. Don’t skimp on electricity. Let it be light! Light improves mood, as it promotes the appearance in the body of special substances responsible for pleasure. If possible, and there are no contraindications, visit a solarium and a massage therapist. This will make up for the lack of sun and give pleasure to the body. The bathhouse, so beloved by our men, is more relevant than ever. Firstly, it’s warm there, and secondly, the body gets rid of toxins and stress hormones. Finally, have sex with your loved one! Don't put it off until later, when your mood improves. These are general tips for this period. By following them, you will certainly be more resistant to stress. But what to do directly in front of a boor on public transport or, worse, a boorish boss? In transport, different options are possible. Try different ones and choose the one that suits you: Remember that the goal of the attackers is to piss you off and cause retaliatory aggression. Therefore, they do not need to give such a gift. Silently ignore the attacks. In order not to feel wounded, imagine this person in some ridiculous situation. Or imagine that he is standing next to you completely naked and shaking his license. If you understand that you are starting to be afraid of him, you should not hide it and pretend that you.
