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How is it that we grew up and our parents were always busy and did not go with us to various development centers, and there were none at all, and there was no time for that, and yet have we learned and grown up to be normal people? How often do you hear this question during consultations! And how bitter it is to answer it! Of course, this is the answer that I thought about, and, just like those who are now turning to me, I looked for in books, in articles, in the speeches of my teachers. Now I can already speak my opinion, based on practice, observations and experience of working with children, adolescents and parents. And this opinion does not contain any little-known truths - rather, only what we have already begun to forget, what we do not pay attention to... Time, of course, has changed, as well as the health of children, as well as the demands that are increasing in a crazy cycle. Parents have changed, the very situation of development in which our children are growing up now has changed. The information environment has changed - modern television and computers do not at all add to the psychological health of our children. But, perhaps, what is even more important is that the developmental environment is increasingly acquiring the properties of refined, and, of course, and unfortunately in some places, developmental activities that are important and necessary for modern children. Necessary, but mostly artificial. Nowadays you can rarely see children on the street playing games with a ball, jumping ropes, crayons. “Hopscotch”, “rubber bands” are becoming a nostalgic legend for our children. “Bouncer”, “hide and seek” - now, for the most part, the property of the camps. Cossack robbers, gardeners, damaged telephones left the streets, firmly taking their place in the halls for educational games. The rules of the games “Tea to the rescue”, “hot and cold”, once known to everyone, young and old, “Blind Man's Bluff” became the property of publications and Internet sites. But it was these and other games that were the most valuable natural resource for the development and correction of children!!! It is not uncommon now for families in which children under 10 years of age and older walk the streets only for hand with adults, but they only play in the psychologist’s office. One day one of the mothers in class remarked with surprise and bitterness - wow, we used to play all this ourselves in the yard, and now we come to you and pay money for something that used to be taken for granted! So why are we surprised that our children are sometimes not independent, childish, driven, unconfident and experience enormous difficulties in communicating with peers? Indeed, a lot has changed and, alas, often not for the better for our children. Unfortunately. Parents sometimes cannot think about anything other than earning money. Both at work and in rare hours at home. Moreover, you need to rest before a new busy day at work. Here the brother and friend TV rushes to the rescue, enticing them with endless soapy stories... Someone sits in front of the TV with the child. We must communicate sometime!!! The program has ended - now go to sleep, sleep! She's not little anymore, go to bed. I need to go to sleep myself!!! My mother, like most other parents, was also busy from morning to evening at work, but I always felt her invisible presence, which was created by communicating with her on rare weekends and warm evenings. Today's children raised in diapers, freeing the mother from the need to once again bend over to the child, stroking his butt, lubricating him with a gentle cream, patting the baby’s legs and arms with light massage movements while she changes diapers and rompers, they lose the emotional contact that is so necessary for the development of a healthy personality even at the earliest stages of its development. And it’s not even about diapers! And in the very way of life and thinking of many parents. Often it’s not work that occupies a mother’s mind, but everyday life, TV, and those same, alas, computer games! And dad? Dad is usually busy... Dad is the breadwinner. And many dads willingly remove themselves from the tedious “children’s” worries, sincerely tired, honestly earning money for the family. Responsibilities were divided...Once a mother came to me for consultation with a complaint that the child was whiny and…
