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From the author: This article was published on my blog and on my website. The fairy tale begins in a way that is not at all like a fairy tale. There is no king, the distant kingdom and other dwarves with Snow White in this fairy tale. The fairy tale begins quite ordinary. So...Once I gave a presentation on the possibilities of eco-hypnosis in the wholesale department of one fairly large company. There were 5 people present: the head of the department (a man of about 35) Rostislav Adamovich, the secretary Milochka (a pleasant-looking girl of about 20), the manager for the South - Igorek (a young man of 25), the manager for the West (a gloomy young lady of 30) - Marta Erastovna, and manager for the North and Center (an energetic lady of 48 years old) - Elvira Bronislavovna. These are such fabulous first names and patronymics. What the company does is completely unimportant. But the company's activities brought good material results. Some argue that only the result matters. I, of course, agree with them, but quietly add to the side that both the process and the result at the same time are important to me. So let's get back to the presentation. As always, how I could help the company was not initially clear. They didn’t know what exactly they needed from me. The authorities just ordered it. Unfortunately, this is still common practice. This is primarily due to the little known nature of ecohypnosis and me. But this is not what the story is about now. So, everything seems to be fine in the company. The products are selling well, even during the “Crisis”. The revs almost didn't drop. The products receive prizes at exhibitions. Taxes are paid. Salaries without delays. From the outside, everything is great. Even I, when I came to give a presentation, did not quite understand why it was needed. But because Since I have been absolutely tolerant of any chance and uncertainty in this ever-changing world for several years now, I haven’t particularly bothered with this issue. The one whom all employees reverently call Chief, 2 months before this moment came to me on the recommendation - yes, this also happens, on the recommendation of his friend. He believed that he had reached a bad point in his life. Almost an existential crisis. Here I will not tell in detail what exactly happened to him - this is still his personal secret. But I want to say that he turned out to be very capable of eco-trance states. He learned to immerse himself to the level of Mamai meditation (this is my personal gradation, you will not find it in literature) from the 3rd session. On the 5th, he already confidently entered into a trance on his own. On the 6th, I independently set a goal for adjusting (additional recording) of unconscious processes. Simply put, in the 6th lesson he learned to do without my support. And this is exactly what I was counting on.[/url]My goal is to teach eco-hypnosis so that a person can change his “settings” on his own without constantly involving me. Some of my coaching friends think this is the wrong way to market a service. They're probably right. To sell their services, they try to tie the client to them and keep them very close so that they don’t run away. But I don’t sell or promote services. Morals and ethics do not allow me to manipulate a client and tell him fairy tales that only with my help can he use what is given to him by nature. Namely, a state of trance. Trance is a state in which we find ourselves very often during the day. This is the state in which information processing occurs. We can say that this is a state in which the transformation of conscious knowledge into unconscious skills occurs. So, the one whom his subordinates reverently call Chief is also a human being. Only a highly organized person and he was sure that all these “things” with trance and other meditations were a simple scam and a tribute to fashion. Fashion for yoga, oriental, religion, etc. He believed only the facts and his “gut instinct”. Our opinions agree on this. However, I’m used to the fact that “feeling” is usually called intuition. After practicing eco-hypnosis, having mastered the practice of entering a trance and adjusting (rewriting) unconscious processes, he has thisthe “feeling” itself has become especially developed. The boss became calmer, more confident (this is precisely confidence, not show-off) and the strangest thing (in his opinion) is that the situations that worried him simply disappeared. He tested the mastered technique on himself and his business for about a month and invited me to show eco-hypnosis to his subordinates. To my surprise (“why, you know how to do it yourself?”), he reasonably noted that people are different, and how he understood the methodology may differ from what I, as the author, wanted to convey to users. I shrugged my shoulders (not understanding why his team needed this) and soon arrived at the office to demonstrate the method. He, as the Chief of the situation and the organization, said that he “gutted” that it was necessary to start with the wholesale sales department. And so I look at the four employees of the department plus the secretary and think: “And how can I help?” Eco-hypnosis is clearly not sales training or even “personal growth” training. But there was also a professional interest: what could come of this? I decided to start by asking him to tell me something. The workers looked at each other, their eyes clearly read: “What does he want? It just gets in the way of work.” But gradually the conversation improved. It turned out that everything was in order, sales were going on, but there was no previous enthusiasm, some kind of excitement. Something is lost, something elusive, which is very difficult to name or describe in one word or even concept. I told them what trance is, what hypnosis is, how eco-hypnosis differs from classical (directive) hypnosis, and a few other common (for me) things. We talked and the workers agreed to a small demonstration eco-trance session. The head of the department decided to act as a “guinea pig”. Moreover, I explained to him that I would not show any jokes in the style of “circus” hypnosis - this is not my profile. Having made sure that he would not look stupid in the eyes of his colleagues, especially his subordinates, we began the session. I tried several guidance methods and received feedback on which one was more comfortable for him. Rostislav Adamovich could not relax for a long time. The trance was clearly not deep. But this usually happens in the first session. After discussing the session and the feelings that arose, we decided to try it with another department employee. An energetic lady, 48 years old, manager for the North and Center, Elvira Bronislavovna, also decided to try. The second session was already going better, especially since, as is known, representatives of the female half of the population of our planet usually have more developed imaginative thinking than men. Elvira Bronislavovna, the “central-northern” manager, emerged from her trance, rested but thoughtful. The time allotted for the session had expired and we agreed that I would arrive in a couple of days, on Monday. On Sunday, their Chief already called me and said that the employees want to continue, because, in his words, “they seem to have been pushed.” On Monday, Rostislav Adamovich and Elvira Bronislavovna’s eyes sparkled and they vied with each other to tell what interesting ideas they had, but there were too many ideas and it worried them. Here is human nature - no ideas - bad, many ideas - also bad. I asked who wants to meditate in trance today? There were already four applicants. The head of the department is Rostislav Adamovich, Elvira Bronislavovna “central-northern” manager, manager for the South Igorek and secretary Milochka. We decided that this was more important and relevant for the manager in the South. The eco-trance session was good. And for everyone, because Everyone meditated. It was clear that the fears had gone away and the clients were simply relaxing and trying to experience a new state for themselves. The trance turned out to be deep. After discussing the feelings, we decided to have another session. The “rabbit” was 20-year-old Milochka, a secretary who had recently joined the company. There was some confusion. After being in a trance for about 20 minutes, she refused to leave this state. Namely, after I stopped maintaining and deepening the condition, she simply did not come out of it. Then I invited the subconscious to activate consciousness in 2 minutes. And after 2 minutes 10 seconds, Darling came outtrance and... just fell asleep. Sitting. After consulting with her colleagues, we decided to let her sleep for 10 minutes, and then carefully woke her up. She opened her eyes and said, “Well, I didn’t notice, it seems I didn’t dive too deep.” And she believed it only after we invited her to look at the clock herself to see how much time had actually passed. Then she blinked her eyes in surprise and said that she just didn’t sleep much over the weekend. I also think that this is the reason. Nightclubs, sleepless nights and all that... I think that the subconscious “saw” that the body was being given the opportunity to intensively rest and decided to make the most of this moment. Those. not to come out of the trance into wakefulness, but to come out and immediately fall into sleep. I have encountered this reaction several times, there is nothing bad or wrong about it. We agreed - the next time we would meet on Thursday. But on Thursday it didn’t work out for me - there were very important meetings, I could not refuse my old friend. Postponed to Friday. I arrived at their place on Friday at the appointed time. It turns out that everyone was already waiting for me. The eyes sparkle and boast with each other. What’s most interesting is that this state of excitement and pleasure has become frequent, and for some, permanent. The department worked with enthusiasm and pleasure for a whole week. There was enough time for everything: for work, for the Internet, for lunch, and even for “chat.” And most of all, the manager for the West, Marta Erastovna, wanted an eco-trance session. The same 30-year-old young lady who at the beginning of this story I called “gloomy.” Now she looked very bright and active. She said that now she will definitely be the first “rabbit”. That's what they decided on. She was able to relax very quickly (of course, such a collective experience already exists!), but before the trance she asked (privately!) to activate, as she put it, “her excitation centers.” I didn’t understand what she was talking about and asked her to be more specific. “I have an orgasm with my husband!” I say I’m happy for you, but what do I have to do with it? It turns out that lately there have been tense relations in her family. Because relationships, including intimate ones, have become boring. And after Monday - every night, like during a honeymoon! “No problem,” I said. And he himself began to feverishly look for a way out of the current situation. Who would have thought that the reaction would be exactly like this. I didn’t make any instructions or suggestions. I did not try at all and did not set a goal to activate any “centers”. In general, I asked her that during a trance she would somehow imagine these same centers, especially since her subconscious is more aware of where they are and what they look like. And so that she imagines that these same centers are activated, as she can imagine this, but only when communicating with her beloved husband. In general, the trance turned out to be fun. Marta Erastovna (manager for the West) plunged into a trance instantly, as soon as I spoke the first 4 sentences of the induction. Everyone else sank just as quickly. This was the first eco-trance session in which I allowed each of the participants to set a specific goal for themselves. After which I explained the principle of goal setting. But he didn’t specify. In ecohypnosis, specifics can often be a blocking factor. It’s easier to give your subconscious the freedom to choose options than to wait for meticulousness in execution. It is better to be inaccurate but correct than accurate but incorrect. Of course, I did not specify who set what goal for themselves. The result amazed me once again. Moreover, he surprised me even more, because... I am an observer from the outside, and they are already accustomed to their new opportunities. The eco-trance session lasted 25 minutes, then for 15 minutes the participants took turns coming out of the trance. Everyone shared their impressions, which were very vivid. During these heated discussions, goals emerged: someone wanted to find an answer within themselves to questions that had been tormenting him for a long time, someone wanted to harmonize their condition, someone wanted to expand their new abilities and learn to use them. Basically, of course, the goals were purely personal. A.
