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Remember how cheerful children sang in a cheerful children's song? How good it is to have friends. In childhood, they find themselves easily and simply. We go to kindergarten together and study in the same class, we walk in the yard, we are friends at camp in the summer, we study in sections. During college years, people also become close friends quite quickly. But with age, everything changes. The older a person is, the more difficult it is to make friends. Some people have friendships from childhood until old age, while others, over time, lose friends for various reasons. And, one not very wonderful day, you can look back and discover that there are no friends left at all. This moment of awareness can cause a person to have strong, unpleasant feelings and questions to himself: “Maybe something is wrong with me? Maybe I'm doing something wrong? What is wrong with me? Why do others have friends, but I don’t?” First, think about whether you really need friends? Let's look back into the distant past and see how intensely the idea of ​​the need for friends was broadcast to us in childhood. It was no coincidence that I started with a line from a famous song. How many of them were there, these songs? What about films about true friendship? Yes, all children's songs, films and books are about the importance of friendship. Friendship is wonderful. In our youth, we make friends with those with whom study or work brought us together and forgive them for various shortcomings. As we age, there are more and more lonely people, because we begin to consciously choose those with whom we are interested in communicating. And if we didn’t like the new person right away, at the first meeting, for some reason, then we will not continue communicating with him. That’s why, as an adult, it would be good to realize how firmly the stereotype that “without friends, I’m a little weaker” sits in you. -a little.” Under the pressure of this social stereotype, a person who has no friends feels inferior and is ready to maintain pseudo-friendly relationships. If only I had friends. Even if he understands deep down that he and his friend have long become completely different people and it is difficult to find mutual understanding. Are you really interested in your friend? Or is it only the past that binds you? What is important is not the fact of the absence or presence of friends, but how you yourself feel about it. Maybe you're an introvert and feel great without close friends. Or maybe you are now in a period of life where there are few people to communicate with. It’s good when friendship is a mutually enriching relationship. Do you have something you can share with a friend? Does your friend share with you in response? Friendship, like any communication, requires resources. Time, interest, sympathy, attention, patience - we invest all this in relationships with friends. At different periods of life, we may not have the resources to bring something into communication. It is important that the presence or absence of friends does not change your attitude towards yourself. Everything is fine with you, even if you have no friends now. In my opinion, it is important to understand that if “without friends you are a little bit”, then with friends you are also “a little bit”... For those who are worried about the lack of friends or difficult relationship with a friend, sign up for a consultation. Resolve issues with me faster. You can contact me by phone. 8-931-269-84-33 whatsapp, telegram
