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Life expectancy is growing every year (both in our country and abroad). That is why legislation is increasing the retirement threshold all over the world. It is not difficult to raise the retirement age , it is difficult to increase the size of your pension (making it sufficient for a comfortable life in adulthood). In this article we will talk about how a pensioner can increase his income so that he stops being afraid of retirement. A retired person is able to enjoy life for a long time, the main thing is to have something to do with it: Medicine does not stand still, and the general socio-economic situation has improved significantly compared to the last century. For retirement to become a time of well-deserved rest, you need to take care of your financial condition in advance (after all, today you can buy a lot for money). I will list 5 options that will give a pensioner additional financial opportunities: 1) Continue working. Yes, no one has canceled this option. If you have a lot of energy and work brings pleasure, then why not? However, work should not be a daily obligation, without which you will put your “teeth on the shelf.” Look for a part-time job with a flexible schedule that does not require constant presence in office.2) Work in “freelance” mode. Who among us hasn’t dreamed of being a “free artist” - working when the mood strikes and doing only what you like? But it’s when you retire that you can afford it: you no longer have the former strict dependence on your main place of work, thanks to which you can choose and take on only those projects that are truly interesting to you. Such part-time work will bring you both money and pleasure. 3) Distribute your income wisely. The biggest mistake is, What people with above-average incomes do is that they begin to live “in grand style”: Therefore, as a result of such financially illiterate behavior, all the money earned is recklessly spent, rather than being converted into savings and investments. The sooner you realize this simple The truth is, the more financial capital you will be able to generate by the time you retire. Remember! If your income has increased, try to increase your savings, and not waste additional income. It is important for every retiree to have time to save enough money (to be able to afford the essentials and have peace of mind regarding their health). 4) Real estate is not the solution. Many people still believe that buying an apartment is a good investment for their money. However, recently the situation in the economy is such that real estate is no longer in demand (the supply of square meters exceeds demand many times over, which has sharply decreased due to the devaluation of the ruble and the fall in household incomes). Income from renting out an apartment also leaves much to be desired: If you sell apartment and put them in the bank, then the interest on the deposit will bring in more money than the rent. Moreover, the deposit does not require repairs, finding good tenants, paying utility bills and taxes. 5) Investments. Figure out where your savings can “work” .By correctly compiling your investment portfolio, you will provide yourself with regular income, which will not depend on either economic vicissitudes or your well-being. SUMMARY: A pension can be decent. To do this, you need to stop hoping for a pension from the state, and create your own pension capital (through proper handling of your finances and regular investments). ADDITIONAL: Read my other article “What skills do you need to become rich”. Read my article “Where should you NOT invest your money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money.” TO CONFIRM THE MATERIAL, WATCH MY NEXT VIDEO
