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Poor boy! How can you expect so much from one single man?! He doesn't have ten arms! Well, he can’t burst, right? This woman will destroy him with her expectations and demands. And now I’m already ashamed that I had the audacity to expect so much from my husband. How shameless... Eat and eat, my dear, and go to bed quickly - you need to rest. I myself will clear the table, iron the shirts, move the closet and put the children to bed. The less you expect, the less disappointment that your expectations will not come true. So, maybe it’s better not to expect anything at all? In everything, rely only on yourself, be independent and autonomous, and most importantly, be modest in your expectations. But what then about joint projects, such as, for example, raising children and preserving a family, which requires the efforts of all its members and is not born out of nowhere? I started thinking... Something is wrong here. What, after all, is wrong with my expectations? Why should I be ashamed of them? Yes, I expect help and attention from a man. In my opinion, these are quite fair and not so exaggerated expectations: to be a breadwinner, a protector and to participate at least a little in the life of the family - sometimes giving flowers for no reason, cooking breakfast or dinner a couple of times a month, washing the dishes once a week or when I’m sick, once or twice a week make your son happy with your attention (your son especially needs this). And shame for expecting help from a man, fulfilling his parental responsibilities and wanting to rely on him is a wrong feeling, the result of a “race for survival” and leads to male infantilism. What, I wonder, is the difference between expectations and demands? Perhaps the requirements are voiced expectations. While you wait silently, no one is obliged to fulfill your wishes. But if you have already voiced expectations in the form of demands, then be so kind as to take them into account! Therefore, it’s time to put aside excessive modesty, revise your expectations and voice your demands. Who knows, maybe no one will suffer from this, but everyone will only benefit. Work by a participant in the “Being a Woman” course http://raduga-art.blogspot.ru/2012/06/blog-post_26.html
