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Feelings are the brightest part of our life. de Balzac A sensitive person - as if unarmed among the well-armed. Averbakh Emotions are inextricably linked with all human activities: with the satisfaction of our lower vital needs, and with communication, and with study, and with creativity. It’s hard to even imagine that a person can eat without experiencing any emotions; on the contrary, he chooses exactly the dish that will not only satisfy his hunger, but also cause him a lot of pleasant positive emotions. Not to mention how many different emotions we have when communicating with a loved one or, on the contrary, an unloved person. Many psychologists even considered emotions as an important motivating force that determines human activity from the first months of his life. After all, we are always more willing to do what brings us joy. Thus, emotions have a significant impact on the conscious regulation of our behavior, that is, on volitional processes. Moreover, emotions can both weaken and strengthen a person’s will. Also, a person’s performance and desire to work depend on emotions: an inspired person is “knee-deep in the sea,” and vice versa, an indifferent or negative person does not have such abilities. So, no matter what we do, think, or say, everything is somehow connected with emotions, since they, being a subjective form of expression of needs, represent a person’s direct experience of the life meaning of all situations and phenomena of the external and internal world. The emotional world of man extremely diverse. There are countless shades of positive and negative emotions. Some events evoke admiration in us, while others, on the contrary, disgust us. Our emotions, feelings and moods make life bright and rich, give it colors, without which it would be too gray and dull. Emotions can change a person’s behavior in just a few seconds. One has only to remember the sudden, all-encompassing joy that overcomes us when we unexpectedly learn some good news. Emotions can change a person’s attitude towards himself and towards other people. Depending on the feelings we experience, we look at the world “through rose-colored glasses” or see everything “in a black light.” However, it does not always happen in our lives that events cause us only positive emotions. Quite the opposite... Sometimes we experience such terrible emotions that it seems that it would be better not to have them at all. We cannot stand the bitterness of losing a loved one or a beloved pet; we experience terrible emotions when something doesn’t work out for us, or when we fail to carry out long-conceived plans. And sometimes you don’t even need any negative external factors for your state of mind to be disgusting. When we are in a bad mood, we cannot concentrate, everything is annoying and any little thing can cause anger. But if you can somehow cope with a bad mood or even severe grief, for example, with a simple effort of will, then a person himself often cannot cope with some more serious emotional states. For example, sometimes severe stress can lead to serious consequences: mental disorders, depression, etc. – for the elimination of which the help of a specialist is already necessary. It is also almost impossible to overcome in time a state of affect, in which conscious control of activity, if not absent, is then significantly weakened. And this is only a small part of such situations when you want to become an insensitive machine, a robot that is guided only by cold logic. And sometimes this desire turns into an objective necessity. For example, when during an exam, instead of at least reading the task, you try to stop thinking about how scared you are and about the fact that you don’t know anything. Usually in such situations emotions seem completely unnecessary, and one should simply turn them off, but, unfortunately, this is impossible... Such pessimistic reasoning,make one doubt the real necessity of emotions. Maybe it really would be better without them? Then there would be no need to pay for those mistakes that you make without thinking, when you act in obedience to a momentary emotional impulse. There would be no need to be afraid of stress and other strong experiences that can lead to depletion of the body’s physical strength, decreased immunity, and sometimes to the appearance of serious somatic diseases. One could always act judiciously, make sober, informed decisions. There wouldn’t be so much grief and unhappiness, empty worries and vain worries... this is life without grievances and disappointments - everyone’s dream! But on the other hand, what would we lose if we didn’t have emotions? Emotions perform a number of important functions. Emotions are “an absolute signal of beneficial or harmful effects on the body,” thanks to which a person can adapt most flexibly to environmental conditions. In addition, emotions are able to mobilize and activate the body to perform any activity, thereby providing the necessary optimal level of arousal. Emotions give us information about the success or failure of any activity. The appearance of positive or negative emotions at the end of a planned activity is an indicator of how well the result obtained corresponds to the desired one. This is the biological purpose of emotions. Even negative emotions and other negative emotional states are of great importance to a person. For example, affect, which seemingly only disorganizes a person’s behavior, performs an important function of an “emergency” response. After all, sometimes in extreme situations there is absolutely no time to think and it is necessary to act immediately, even if not in the most appropriate stereotypical way, for example, start running or scream loudly; it is the state of passion that imposes such methods of behavior on us. Also, stress has a positive effect, which can satisfy our need for emotional experiences; stress makes us stronger, strengthening our will, and more resilient, increasing our resistance to difficult life situations. However, if all of the above functions have either a biological adaptive nature or a rather negative downside, then the following two closely related functions, it seems to me, are undeniably the most important and useful for humans. We are talking about the expressive and communicative functions of emotions. The fact is that almost all human emotions are accompanied not only by physiological and biochemical changes, but also by special behavioral reactions. Such external manifestations of emotions include facial expressions, pantomimes, and vocal expressions of emotions. All these behavioral reactions have acquired great importance in the process of human evolution. The expressive and communicative functions are that, thanks to their external manifestations, emotions make it possible to distinguish even the most minor changes in the internal state, which gives us the opportunity to better understand each other. This feature of emotions plays a particularly important role in interpersonal communication, when we need to feel what our partner is feeling and tune in to his state. It is no secret that all emotionally expressive movements are non-verbal (non-verbal) means of communication, which provide up to ninety percent of incoming information during communication. Thus, emotions are a special language with the help of which people exchange information about their feelings, thoughts, internal states. Another important feature of emotions that influence all human activities is their connection with cognitive processes, that is, with perception, memory, thinking, attention and imagination. Emotions are the main factor responsible for involuntary attention and memory. When the process of learning and memorization is associated with pleasant emotions, the information is absorbed much more?
