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There are quite a large number of people who find it difficult to understand and accept their emotions. And even when we understand what exactly we feel, it is difficult for us to accept these emotions. Why does this happen? I propose to consider two important theses that can help you in resolving this issue: - The first thesis - emotions never lie! - The second thesis - they deceive We can be influenced by our interpretation of our emotions. It is at this moment that mental defense mechanisms can turn on and we can indeed lie to ourselves. For example, I am angry with my husband because it seems to me that he does not pay attention to me. That's when you get angry - it's always true. You can't imagine this. You are angry and this is reality. But further - these could already be games of your mind. Is the situation familiar? How often do you come up with interpretations for your emotions? What is it? What will be the solution in this case? - the first step to accepting emotions is the separation of emotions and their interpretation! This is extremely important. I offer you several exercises for accepting your emotions: 1. Emotional Awareness Pay attention to your emotions, don't run from them. Name the emotion you are feeling. Identify where in your body you feel that emotion. Allow the emotion to be Allow yourself to feel the emotion without trying to suppress or change it. Accept the emotion as part of you. It is the emotion, not the interpretation. Don’t fight the emotion, but let it flow. Exploring Emotions Ask yourself questions about the emotion: What caused this emotion? How often do I experience this emotion? What is the purpose of this emotion? What is this emotion trying to teach you? Expressing Emotions Find a healthy way to express your emotions. Talk to a friend, write in a journal, or do something creative. Don't suppress or take out your emotions on others. Self-Compassion Be kind and compassionate to yourself when you experience difficult emotions. Remember that everyone experiences emotions, so you live. Don't judge yourself for your emotions. Practice Gratitude Focus on the things you are grateful for, even when you are experiencing difficult emotions. Gratitude will change the focus of attention from negative emotions to positive ones. MeditationMeditation can help you develop awareness and acceptance of your emotions. Sit in a comfortable position and focus on your breathing. Observe your emotions. Yoga Yoga can help you connect with your body and emotions. These practices include movement and breathing exercises that can help you relax and accept your emotions. Working with a Psychologist If you find it difficult to accept your emotions on your own, seek help from a psychologist. A psychologist can help you understand your emotions and teach you skills to help you accept them. Remember that accepting emotions is a process that takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and keep working on it. Pay attention and time to your emotions, and be extremely careful with interpretations. Over time, you will be able to develop a healthier and more accepting attitude towards your emotions. Take care of yourself! Sincerely, Alexandra Kaleeva.
