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And how do you understand that it’s time to do physical exercise? Taking care of psychological health is not an issue that can be resolved too early. Just like with physical education. It is useful to engage in physical education when your health is in order and you want to maintain this “order”. Physical education becomes necessary when your health is poor or you want qualitative changes. But it happens that physical education is mandatory and must be special. For example, when recovering from injuries. And when everything is really bad, physical education is already contraindicated. And the intervention of doctors is needed. The same is true with seeking help from a psychologist. A stage may come where talking about feelings, talking about pain and changing your behavior is no longer useful. We need a psychotherapist, we need medications. And, perhaps, a psychiatrist. It cannot be early, but it can easily be late. Therefore, if you want to get help or think that you need it, there is no need to hesitate, contact us. If you are sent to a psychologist, this does not mean that there is something wrong with you. There are possible options here. Maybe you're uncomfortable. It's possible that you're doing everything right. You defend your borders, defend yourself, stand up for your interests. And they want to make you look inadequate. This is a non-adaptive defense in humans. Send him. See a psychologist. Another situation is that the person to whom you turn for help and support does not want to give this help and support. For example, I’m tired of being a vest. If he wants to get rid of it, he refers him to a professional. It is worth paying special attention to such recommendations for seeking help that come from people who have already worked with a psychologist. Such people understand what a psychologist can and cannot help with. As a nice bonus, from such a person you can get the contact of a trusted specialist. Or a psychotherapist can refer you to a psychologist when he has already prescribed medication and understands that support with “psychological physical training” will not hurt now. Well, or he knows that it is not too late and not at all early. If you understand that it cannot be early and it is not too late for you, then I will be glad to receive you http://psynikkpt.tilda.ws/
