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Now is the age of information and we can realize and draw a parallel that any words are not just some kind of dust, that any thought is energy, it is power. And this power can be used for creation or destruction. Now, more than ever in life, you need to be able to handle information, be able to sort it and not take everything in a row. This is a skill worth learning. Thought, word and information have become weapons. How this happens: when you watch different destructive videos, news and identify with them, different feelings arise in you. And if, while watching this video, you suddenly feel hatred or anger within yourself that blinds you, and you are ready to get up and kill everyone, no matter how - physically or verbally, know that you have fallen under a special weapon that creates that feeling that benefits those who are fighting this fight. The basest qualities are deliberately provoked, through which they can be manipulated and pitted against each other: gloating, humiliation, accusation, fear, aggression. If you hang out only in these energies, then you can create something truly monstrous in relation to yourself in the first place. Do you see that there are not at all positive energies around, what is the best way to deal with them? We entered the field, felt the energy, realized the provocation, came out - closed the door inside ourselves. Learn to be observant, remember that recently we were playing in space with completely different information and feelings: coronavirus! Everything was filled with about the coronavirus, headlines, articles, songs about it, jokes, videos, fears, accusations of everyone who fits this, information about deaths. Are you hearing anything about coronavirus right now? No! What's happened? Has everyone recovered dramatically? Now everything is the same, only on an increased scale. The information presented is different, but the energies are still the same. Now, as then, a crisis is occurring. Then there was a rehearsal so that you could take a closer look and realize how the mechanism works. And we are now in a zone of turbulence. And of course, of course, we are all very much influenced by what is happening around the world. This crisis is internal to everyone and at a deep turning point it is very difficult, so you need to be especially attentive to what is happening around you and be careful with yourself. Don't force yourself into unnecessary feelings. After all, if you do not play this game and unknowingly fall into this information garbage, you will not energetically support all this madness. I emphasize, not consciously! What does this mean - to be completely emotionally driven by all the emotions and states that are offered in the field and proceed to action. Consciously - to be aware of all the feelings that arise in me, while being in contact with myself and taking responsibility for my actions. That is, to split off unnecessary information that provokes negativity and be in contact with your body, with your earth and Spirit. Some now look into the past and recognize crises from the past and conclude that everything will be like in the 90s, or like at 17. Yes, no, it won’t be like in the 90s, nor like in the 17th, and in general nothing like the past. We are already completely different and everything will be different. The mind begins to compare with this due to ignorance of the fact that crises are all the same. The stages are all the same, so they are similar in structure to each other. Now something new is being born, childbirth is always not easy, but if you don’t interfere and are able to see your natural process, your internal process and take responsibility for yourself and for your feelings and actions, childbirth will pass and something new will really be born and something good. Let us still multiply the good and strive for development. Developing is very important! Develop your thinking, break out of stereotypes, take something good from the crisis and bring it into life, help the crisis transform, become creators, not destroyers, direct your strength to creation, then the struggle will stop outside. Treat yourself like a human being, take care of yourself and take care of yourself.
