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My grandparents are quite a few years old and they have health problems. But they don't go to doctors. When I ask why you don't make an appointment, they start to deny it. But, having sorted it out, it turns out that they went and got tired of it. They sat down in front of the doctor, he dryly, without taking his eyes off his papers, asked a couple of formal questions, for example, “what are you complaining about.” My grandfather is a modest person and was not used to complaining. His knee hurts, and sometimes his heart hurts, he won’t admit it to us, but we see how he covers his chest with his palm. My grandfather answered these questions to the doctor the same way he answered us: “Yes, nothing, dear. Slowly." And my grandfather also has poor hearing. He is a man and is ashamed of it. Therefore, I know that the doctor shouted at him or was rude. And then the doctor listened, wrote out directions for tests, some medications (in just five or ten minutes) and called the next one. At this time, twenty more old people are waiting in the corridor. Everyone has a different character - some grumble and do not allow the “young” to get through out of line, others smile and forgive everything, others sit and remain silent. And they will also quickly listen to everyone and send them somewhere. When old people try to find out what’s wrong with them, they are brushed aside, at best. I know this because doctors don’t say “what’s wrong with me” even to me unless I insist, and it’s not difficult for me - I’m young and sometimes angry. You can understand doctors. They receive low wages, there are many patients, there are children at home, and these old people are still so stupid and weak - “all their nerves are exhausted.” But wait. Who has no children at home, a high salary and little work? When I was a child, I really loved doctors - pediatricians are usually kind. It's nice to work with children, not like with old people. But who needs help more? Many will say: “they don’t care about dying.” But would anyone say that about their grandfather or grandmother? Everyone will die in the end. This can happen to anyone at any time. Death is near. Only the young man doesn’t want to know about it, but the old man begins to think about it. He is decrepit, has difficulty walking, speaking, eating, hearing, problems with urination, bones and heart pain, shortness of breath. We don't even want to hear about it. I want not to think, not to pay attention. But this is the reality and everyone will have to face it. Psychologists often say that you need to love your “inner child” and free him. Of course, this is true, many are depressed by life, difficult experiences, cannot rejoice, and also raise their children. But they are trying with all their might, trying to live easily, not think about problems. And under your feet, these old people always remind you of decay, of the inevitability of suffering. I want to ask – why don’t we start RESPECTING “our inner old man”? And again you will have to hear in response: “The inner child understands this. But the old man? How understandable it is that you are already 20, 30, and you still cherish your inner child, although every year it is the old man who becomes closer. The child is no longer in reality, but the old man will soon appear in it. But already now both the old man and the child are in our minds. But in what respects? Yes, old age has not yet arrived, but let’s not be naive - we all remember it, it will come to the majority, I hope. And what if we also consider that we are finished people who need to die? My grandfather is embarrassed to complain because he is used to being young and strong, but now, it seems to him, he is of no use. This is probably how most of our old people think. It's kind of a tradition. They take care of their grandchildren and children until they die, and the grateful children can finally benefit from their inheritance. But this is not the only value of our old man. The value of the inner old man is that he knows that a moment will come when he will not be able to enjoy life, there will be illnesses and he will have no choice but to live with it. Now, while you are young, you can give up on everything and live for your own pleasure, for your own sake. But in old age it is no longer so easy. What then will give strength and make life happy? Memories and loved ones who love you consider you a wise person,.
