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Do you have a chip?? You must agree how many sales managers, designers, doctors, psychologists, and hairdressers we have. How to choose?? after all, they all seem to be the same... But if you are a psychologist who, for example, has a deep command of visualization techniques, or a hairdresser who expertly does creative coloring, then this is a completely different positioning, your own audience, your own technologies, and completely different incomes ! Do you want to be just a specialist or a special specialist who has a clear advantage over his competitors in that he can do one thing like no one else can?? A specialist who has his own feature, zest, characteristic difference?? If you don't have your own chip yet, it's time to start developing one!! How? First, decide what specifically in your field of profession do you have a expressed interest in? What do you especially like to do? What do you do best today? This is exactly what you can take as the basis for forming your own narrow specialization. And after you have mastered this narrow area to perfection, it will begin to acquire other related skills. After all, everything is connected to everything! To make it more clear to you, I’ll give you this example: there are a lot of photographers on the market, most often when choosing photography, people are guided by the cost of the service, less often - by the name of the photographer. I have a friend who at one time began to take up photography. Having mastered her first skills, she realized that her greatest interest was in portrait photography. I began to develop narrowly in this area. There is great demand from wedding couples. Gradually, she won her audience as a wedding photographer. Moreover, her feature was thematic, unusual photographs, which were very different from the photographs of her colleagues. When the level of professionalism in this niche became high enough, she wanted to develop further, and she began to develop skills in the field of videography. Now they will recognize her. Now she is even more different. And unlike many photographers, she doesn’t worry about whether she will have orders or not! She has more than she can handle. So now she chooses who to work with and under what conditions! It is beneficial to have your own chip. This means not being a gray mass among a large number of the same managers, executives, and economists. It means to be different. Are you interested in the idea of ​​finding something of your own, unique? The first thing I recommend you do, as mentioned above, is to choose a narrow area of ​​interest within the framework of the business you are currently involved in. Master it like no one else can. There is a well-known aphorism that if you read 10 books on any one topic, you will have information that only 5% of the population knows. And if you begin to put all this information into practice, try to implement the ideas you read, adding something of your own to them, then you will get ahead. Do it! And then we'll talk about what to do next.!
